Given the current rate of obesity in the US, you would be forgiven for thinking that fast-food restaurants have increased their portion sizes in recent years. But according to two new studies, this is... View More
Stevia rebaudiana is a South American plant of the Asteraceae family, which also includes sunflowers and chrysanthemums. Native to Paraguay, stevia has traditionally been used to sweeten beverages and... View More
Though it may feel a little early to start thinking about those New Year's resolutions, a new study may offer some sage advice: compared with aerobic activities, daily weight training is more effective... View More
As 2014 comes to a close, many of us are thinking about resolutions for the new year. But while the majority of our goals for 2015 will incorporate improvements in physical health - such as hitting the... View More
In a new nature-versus-nurture study of the link between gut microbes and health, researchers conclude that diet may have a stronger influence than genes in determining the mix of bacteria in the gut.... View More
Some people are able to stick to healthy foods with no issues, while others find chocolate and cake too tempting to turn down. Now, a new study suggests that our dietary self-control may depend on how... View More
Numerous studies have linked high-calorie diets to increased risk of cancer. But in a new study, researchers have found that switching from a low- to high-calorie diet can either encourage tumor growth... View More
While being physically fit is beneficial in and of itself, researchers now report that people with high levels of fitness are less likely to develop high blood pressure - also referred to as hypertension... View More
Although it is often pushed to the side during the festive rush, during the post-Christmas fallout, weight loss will once more be at the top of many of our agendas. But where does excess weight go when... View More
Promising new evidence published by the European Journal of Preventative Cardiologyfinds that yoga may provide the same benefits in risk factor reduction of cardiovascular disease as traditional physical... View More
The proposed benefits of self myofascial release using a foam roller are well known. Whole body vibration technology has been shown to be a useful adjunct to static stretching as well as improving stability... View More
A question I am frequently asked by fitness professionals new to the industry, is how to price their services even though they may not have significant experience. Pricing is an art form; so know that... View More
A paper published by Obesity Reviews compares neurological responses to reward in participants with obesity, substance addiction and non substance (or behavioural addiction, such as gambling.) It is the... View More
Yoga is a mind and body practice with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Various styles of yoga combine physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Continued at MedicalNewsToday>>
According to a new study published in The Journal of Pediatrics, two correctable sleep disorders - chronic lack of sleep and sleep-related breathing problems - each double the risk of a child being... View More
How does our health measure up in the US for 2014? America's Health Rankings have released a new annual state-by-state analysis of factors affecting our country's health, celebrating the nation's health... View More
Many people drink and eat food from cans and plastic bottles, but this may be having an impact on their health. A new study reports that cans and bottles lined with the chemical bisphenol A could lead... View More