Sept. 10 2014
Ask any service professional, especially a trainer, and they will tell you they hate cancelations. Client cancels can send your day into a spiral of frustrations and wasted time - that is if you let it.... View More
Sept. 9 2014
Social networking programmes designed to help people lose weight could play a role in the global fight against obesity, according to research. Analysis by researchers from Imperial College London combining... View More
Sept. 8 2014
The harm to leg arteries caused by sitting for hours can be easily reversed with hourly 5-minute walks, according to new research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the official journal... View More
Sept. 5 2014
New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that epigenetic methylation blocks expression of the Pomc gene, leading to delayed satiety response and increased food intake. Continued atMedicalNewsToday>>
Sept. 4 2014
A spinach extract containing green leaf membranes called thylakoids decreases hedonic hunger with up to 95% - and increases weight loss with 43%. This has been shown in a recently published long-term human... View More
Sept. 3 2014
It may be a no-brainer that exercise is good for your heart, but a new study conducted by Swedish researchers has found that as little as 1 hour of moderate exercise or 30 minutes of vigorous exercise... View More
book review
Sept. 2 2014
Jeff Horowitz perfectly positions his book, "Quick Strength for Runners" in the first sentence of his introduction: "Let's start with a bit of honesty: Not all runners love strength training." Horowitz... View More
Sept. 2 2014
A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine assesses what the impact over 20 years would be for a tax or advertising ban on sugar-sweetened drinks, compared with other strategies... View More
Sept. 1 2014
Hip flexor tightness is a common finding in my assessments of clients. Restricted flexibility in the iliopsoas and rectus femoris restrict hip extension and create undue stress on the lumbar spine, as... View More
Sept. 1 2014
In Part 1 of this series of columns focused on hiring, I outlined three considerations before you make the decision to bring on a new staff member. Once you've done your... View More
Sept. 1 2014
A small study using brain scans suggests the addictive power of unhealthy, high- calorie food can be reduced and the brain retrained to prefer healthy, lower calorie foods. Participants who followed a... View More
Aug. 28 2014
Scientists from the University of Liverpool have demonstrated the effectiveness of a fibre-based dietary ingredient that makes people feel less hungry and consume less food.Hunger is a major barrier to... View More
Aug. 27 2014
Multiple sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system characterized by muscle weakness, causing coordination and balance problems. But a new study suggests a balance board accessory for the Nintendo... View More
Aug. 26 2014
We are pleased to announce the top 15 finalists for the 2015 PFP Trainer of the Year! ...Kyle Brown, San Diego, California Host of the Empower Hour show on ESPN Radio, celebrity trainer and nutritionist... View More
Aug. 26 2014
It would appear that aerobic exercise may do more than just preserve our cardiovascular health - it may also keep our minds sharp as we age. This was the conclusion of a new study from Canada that found... View More
Aug. 25 2014
This column will address two uniquely different but very important things. Both which I believe can be addressed by continually asking yourself if your business fulfills one very important question. But... View More
Aug. 25 2014
For many people, finding motivation to exercise is a challenge. Thankfully, there are Zombies chasing you.At least that's the approach of Zombies, Run! - one of more than 31,000 health and fitness apps... View More
Aug. 20 2014
new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that, compared with those with a high income, individuals who struggle financially are less likely to lose weight through exercise,... View More
Aug. 18 2014
One day, your morning gym workout or jog could not only be recharging you, but also recharging your smartphone or other small electronic device. Scientists have developed a biosensor mounted inside a temporary... View More
Aug. 18 2014
Congratulations - you own a gym! And you've likely got quite a few members contributing to your bottom line through memberships, group exercise classes, and personal training. But you want to do everything... View More