March 24 2015
The surge in interest in barefoot running has raised a debate about how the foot should land on the ground when running without shoes. Many barefoot running protagonists argue that the ball of the foot... View More
March 23 2015
A Los Angeles ordinance designed to curb obesity in low-income areas by restricting the opening of new fast-food restaurants has failed to reduce fast-food consumption or reduce obesity rates in the targeted... View More
March 19 2015
A new diet developed by researchers from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL, could significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, even for those who do not follow it precisely. Continued... View More
March 18 2015
Researchers are calling on people to join a unique movement workshop as part of a study into the benefits of dance on society.The 18-month study, funded by a â£250,000 grant from the Economic... View More
March 17 2015
Women who are obese are around 40% more likely to develop certain forms of cancer than those of a healthy weight. This is according to new estimates calculated by Cancer Research UK. Continued at MedicalNewsToday>>
March 15 2015
Decreased mobility inthe thoracic spine often creates dysfunction and stress on other parts of thekinetic chain, namely the shoulder and lumbar spine. In many cases, clientswill demonstrate asymmetry based... View More
March 15 2015
Thinking of starting a new business? Are you at a point in your business where you feel you want to expand or take it to a higher level? If you're considering whether you want to move forward on your own... View More
March 15 2015
Our goal with clients experiencing chronic neck and shoulder tightness is to help them adopt an improved strategy which includes the proper postural cuing... View More
March 15 2015
As a leader in fitness education and certification, W.I.T.S. is now offering digital badges for select courses and credentials. Digital Badges are important because they show potential employers, clients,... View More
March 12 2015
A healthy lifestyle intervention program administered at the workplace and developed by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health significantly reduces risk factors for diabetes and... View More
March 11 2015
The extract of onion bulb, Allium cepa, strongly lowered high blood glucose (sugar) and total cholesterol levels in diabetic rats when given with the antidiabetic drug metformin, according to a new study.... View More
March 10 2015
In my 11 years in our great business, the single most impactful marketing strategy has always been word of mouth. I have seen gyms pour thousands of dollars into print media, social media, television advertising... View More
March 10 2015
The single best predictor of a rookie trainer's success is how fast they can learn and apply that knowledge in a group environment... View More
March 10 2015
Should food products be labeled with traffic light symbols to make health-related information on ingredients easier to understand? This question has remained a subject of debate. Now researchers at the... View More
March 9 2015
If you're on a diet, just skipping dessert can seem like a huge accomplishment, leading you to think you're well on your way to losing weight. According to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research,... View More
March 7 2015
Led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, the study reveals that if one spouse increases their physical activity, the other spouse is much more likely... View More
March 6 2015
Most people consume more salt than they need and therefore have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, which are the two leading causes of death worldwide. But a study published by Cell Press in Cell... View More
March 5 2015
People with poor physical fitness in their 40s may have lower brain volumes by the time they hit 60, an indicator of accelerated brain aging, according to new research presented at the American Heart Association... View More
March 4 2015
A team of Spanish scientists proves that subjects who present higher levels of persistent organic pollutants in their organism also suffer from higher cholesterol and triglycerides levels. A team of Spanish... View More
March 3 2015
Patients at risk for diabetes or heart disease may want to choose their workout intensity based on health goals, according to an article being published in Annals of Internal Medicine. Exercise has been... View More