May 2 2016
Cover to cover, Nick Tumminello breaks down effective training protocols for building muscle and performance... View More
May 1 2016
As much as we are tempted to attract more clients, it is equally important to focus on the relationships you have with your current clientele... View More
May 1 2016
Getting your first (paying) personal training client is a hurdle most new fitness professionals face... View More
May 1 2016
This exercise is a simple, yet effective way to increase lower extremity strength and improve hip/knee stability... View More
April 19 2016
After working in a big box facility for 10 years, Jennifer was tired of dealing with the red tape of a big corporate business... View More
April 15 2016
This exercise is is an excellent way to advance a traditional side plank exercise to increase lateral chain and pillar strength... View More
April 15 2016
Partnering with a group you are passionate about shows you care about people in your community and their needs... View More
April 10 2016
To finally manage your money and not have it manage you, serve your clients by taking care of the basics... View More
April 2 2016
Your Time is NOW is a short compilation of motivational vignettes that will give perspective to anyone facing any challenge, to remember that your time is NOW... View More
April 1 2016
Whether you have a full staff or are on your own, there are certain people every fitness professional should have in their rolodex... View More
April 1 2016
This exercise aims to improve anti-rotation stability and eliminate muscle imbalances and poor movement patterns. Increasing anti-rotation strength will reduce transverse plane forces that result in many... View More
March 15 2016
This exercise is designed to reduce tightness and trigger points that are common in the posterior shoulder... View More
March 15 2016
We teach our clients that value of time and scheduling, yet we often times neglect our own well being for the sake of our business... View More
March 15 2016
Chad Landers is not about the fame or notoriety. His relentless focus on his clients, his team and his community is certainly raising the bar in our industry... View More
March 15 2016
Since there is a limit to how much trainers can work, let’s look at another industry that has similar limitations and see how they maximize profit: the hotel industry... View More
March 10 2016
The culture we’ve created in the fitness world is forever pulling us off center. If we don’t fight it we’ll lead our communities down the wrong path... View More
March 5 2016
Mentors can be a wealth of information about how to run a business. And it is great to have a sounding board to bounce ideas off of... View More
March 2 2016
Complete with parody, inside jokes and wit, Viralnomics is undoubtedly one of the best marketing and social media strategy reads to date... View More
March 1 2016
This exercise is designed to facilitate improved posture, strengthen the scapular stabilizers and rotator cuff and reduce injury risk by encouraging good biomechanics... View More
March 1 2016
The intimidating nature of launching a business inevitably scares most trainers into inaction... View More