I feel like a broken record when I keep saying this past year has been a wild one, but it is simply the truth. It has altered quite a bit when it comes to how we run our fitness businesses. So, as we... View More
Hormonal changes affect everyone throughout every stage of life and affect everyone differently, yet we all seem to have this negative image on the word.Most people believe that in order to lose weigh
This exercise offers many benefits including increased posterior chain strength, improved proximal hip/core stability, and better hip dissociation... View More
The topic of nutrition is challenging in the fitness world. Personal trainers understand the importance of nutrition to help clients reach their full potential, but limitations on the scope of practic
The last year and a half has forced the majority of us in the fitness industry to reevaluate, and perhaps question, our career. We have seen countless facilities close their doors and personal trainer
Sarah Apgar has worn many hats throughout her life as an All-American collegiate athlete, US Army veteran, volunteer firefighter, EMT, fitness professional, business executive, wife to Ben Smith, and... View More
While the recommended daily intake of Vitamin E for adults is around 15mg, many people don’t get nearly enough of this powerful antioxidant from their diet alone. It’s just too much to eat... View More
The study of dogma has historically been segregated to religious contexts, but in reality, all facets of life are subject to dogmatic thinking. The Greek word dogma essentially translates to “opinion,... View More
SCW Fitness Education, the largest provider of continuing education in the world, establishes the SCW Diversity Task Force designed to recruit and mentor presenters of color along with varying ethnic... View More
Factors to consider include not wanting to spread the virus, but from a medical perspective, when is the body ready to safely return to exercising?... View More