To improve pillar strength and stability, I prefer utilizing integrated exercises that target the shoulders, torso and hips in order to challenge the body to resist unwanted movement and maintain a quiet alignment between the shoulders and hips. In this column, I will demonstrate how to use a resistance band in a tall plank position to accomplish this.

Position a light resistance band/loop around the wrists. Next, assume the tall plank position with hands and feet shoulder width apart. Now, darn in the navel to activate the core and move the right hand up toward 1 o’clock. Return to the start position and move toward 3 o’clock. Return to the start position, and finally move the right hand toward 5 o’clock and return.
You may opt to repeat this cycle for 3-5 repetitions on the right side and then switch to the left arm. Another option is to alternate the reaching from right to left after moving to the each clock position once. Perform 2-3 sets on each side.
1. Perform the exercise without elastic resistance
2. Perform the movement with the knees on the floor
1. Increase the resistance
2. Decrease the width of the feet to narrow the base of support
3. Perform the movements slower to increase time under tension
This exercise is an effective method for improving scapular stability, glenohumeral joint stability, and anti-rotation stability in the shoulder, torso and hips. Specifically, I utilize it with overhead athletes, clients with a history of shoulder instability or scapular dyskinesia and those seeking a way to target core strength and stability.
The exercise can be used as part of a full body dynamic warm-up, a corrective exercise pro-gram or in conjunction with upper body and core training routines. Focusing on slower controlled movement away and toward the body while resisting rotation is the key to proper execution.