In 2001, Lisa Druxman wanted to find a way to continue her passion as a fitness professional and take care of herself while juggling the challenges of being a new mother. And so was born Stroller Strides where moms could workout with their babies and, perhaps just as important, find support in a community of moms. Over the last 16 years, the nationally recognized Fit4Mom brand boasts over 1,500 locations, offering fitness for all stages of motherhood through their Stroller Strides, Fit4Baby and Body Back programs. Lisa has not simply created a convenient fitness option for moms and received some of the highest accolades and recognition; she has been the catalyst of a powerful movement of empowered moms. Here’s how Lisa shares her message of “helping mothers make strides in fitness, motherhood and life.”
My ideal client is a mom who is looking for the “strength in motherhood.” A mom who wants to take care of her own fitness and well-being. For my Stroller Strides clients, she is looking for a way to connect with other moms and fit in time for fitness. For my Body Back clients, they are looking to find the confidence and strength they may have lost in becoming a mom.
My message is that moms are a catalyst for change. When moms start to take care of themselves, it is a gift that they give to their children. That gift will have a profound ripple effect. Not only will they be better moms, have more energy, feel happier… they will also be modeling to their children how to take care of themselves. We want moms to show that fitness and healthy eating is a positive part of their lives.
If I had only one way to share my message it would be by “word of mom” all day long. There is no better way to spread a message than word of mom. It will carry through social media, classes and blog posts.
Successful messaging happens when you are authentically living your message. My tribe knows that I’m in the trenches of motherhood with them and that I practice what I preach. I share the secrets of my success and what I’ve learned from my mistakes.
People follow me because I’m real. I speak my truth and share my solution. I don’t just share my highlight reel. I have found solutions for how moms can hold their own well-being sacred. They all know that they should put their oxygen mask on. They’ve been hearing that for decades. I just show them how to do it.