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April 20 2022
7 key elements for any program, whether 1-1 training, small group or large group fitness... View More
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April 1 2022
Hip adductor strains are a common problem for some athletes. This exercise offers a mobility option that can be done using a sliding disc to increase elasticity and warm the hip prior to more... View More
Figure 2
March 9 2022
Osteoarthritis(OA), the most common form of arthritis, affects some 27 million adults per year and is on the rise... View More
March 2 2022
Can everyone learn to do the splits? Coming from a background in sports medicine, dance medicine, strength & conditioning, yoga and Pilates, this is a question people often ask me... View More
March 2 2022
Tight hip flexors are common and may limit movement capacity and performance. This exercise is designed to improve flexibility and promote optimal hip mobility... View More
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Feb. 2 2022
Training the core to remain stable in transition is helpful for facilitating optimal movement and stability to aid performance and reduce injuries... View More
Dec. 13 2021
Cueing is an essential skill that all fitness professionals should develop to assist a client in achieving a movement successfully... View More
Unstable bridge
Dec. 7 2021
This exercise is an effective tool for improving hip and core strength/stability in all clients... View More
Single-leg stability ball bridge
Nov. 17 2021
This exercise offers many benefits including increased posterior chain strength, improved proximal hip/core stability, and better hip dissociation... View More
Side plank with horizontal press
Nov. 2 2021
This exercise is a challenging and effective way to improve pillar (shoulder, torso and hip) strength and stability... View More
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Oct. 19 2021
Improving lower extremity balance is important as it begins to decline in the third decade of life... View More
Single-leg box squat
Oct. 5 2021
This exercise will strengthen the quadriceps and help eliminate any asymmetry or imbalances between limbs... View More
Sept. 14 2021
The primary aim of this exercise is increasing ankle dorsiflexion... View More
Anterior Step Down
Aug. 31 2021
This exercise will help restore ankle mobility using body weight loading, as well as training single limb stability... View More
Aug. 17 2021
This exercise offers a challenging and unstable training environment for PNF patterns... View More
Aug. 2 2021
Factors to consider include not wanting to spread the virus, but from a medical perspective, when is the body ready to safely return to exercising?... View More
Aug. 2 2021
This exercise offers a nontraditional way to train shoulder, torso and lower body stability using a stability ball... View More
Running Man
July 20 2021
This exercise will effectively recruit the gluteal musculature more favorably over the TFL thereby promoting closed chain hip stability... View More
Gryp Swing
July 6 2021
The kettlebell swing is effective for strengthening the posterior chain, increasing power and improving cardiovascular conditioning... View More
June 22 2021
This exercise is designed to promote anti-rotation core strengthening... View More