Lateral quickness and explosiveness is an essential component for athletic performance. Learning to accelerate and decelerate in the frontal plane while maintaining body control will reduce injury risk and lead to optimal performance.

Secure a long resistance band to a squat rack or heavy piece of equipment and place the open end of the loop around the waist. Ensure the level of resistance is appropriate based on the user. After taking up the slack in the band, drive or push off the left leg forcefully to bound to the right. Pause with a bent hip/knee and then return to the start position. Be sure to maintain proper alignment by not allowing the shoulders to move outside of the hips. Perform 5-10 explosive repetitions. If the primary goal is to improve power, rest long enough to fully recover prior to switching sides or performing additional sets. Perform 2-3 sets on each side.
Increase the resistance of the band
1. Decrease the level of resistance
2. Shorten the distance of the bound and/or slow down the cadence
This exercise is an excellent drill to improve lateral speed, explosion and body control. It is effective for athletes and weekend warriors participating in field and court sports. It is important to avoid excessive resistance as it may disrupt balance, effort level and the quality of the exercise, thereby negating the desired performance effect.