Brian Schiff

Brian Schiff, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. Currently, he serves as the supervisor for Raleigh Orthopaedic Performance Center (formerly EXOS at Raleigh Orthopaedic). Brian conducts live continuing education webinars and presents nationally at professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention, rehab and sport-specific training.
Jan. 1 2018
The reverse diver is an excellent way to increase back extensor strength and postural endurance... View More
Dec. 15 2017
This exercise is a safer way to work on abdominal strength and stabilization while minimizing shear forces on the lumbar spine... View More
Dec. 1 2017
From a tall plank position, you can assess torsional control and shoulder strength/stability by observing this simple exercise... View More
Nov. 13 2017
This quadruped hip extension is designed to actively recruit and strengthen the gluteus medius/maximus selectively recruiting them over the TFL... View More
Nov. 1 2017
The Strongboard helps increase the balance, coordination and stability required when performing a squat press exercise... View More
Oct. 15 2017
Improving core and lower body stability is always a primary goal for training athletes and clients active in recreational activities... View More
Oct. 1 2017
StrongBoard can help challenge balance and stability while performing single leg squats and different advanced reaching exercises... View More
Sept. 15 2017
Sledgehammer slams using the MostFit Core Hammer will facilitate total body conditioning and improve anaerobic conditioning... View More
Sept. 1 2017
The torso rotation lunge using the MostFit Core Hammer will facilitate pillar strength and stability, as well as improve dynamic hip stability in functional patterns... View More
Aug. 15 2017
This Iso split squat with diagonal shoulder raise will improve shoulder and lower extremity strength, while facilitating integrated stability throughout the entire kinetic chain... View More
Aug. 1 2017
This exercise is an excellent way to advance a traditional side plank exercise to incorporate in some additional rotator cuff strengthening... View More
July 13 2017
The single-leg one arm row is useful for improving hip strength/stability, postural strength and endurance, balance and trunk control... View More
June 15 2017
Shoulder impingement is a common problem for many clients... View More
June 1 2017
Improving posterior shoulder mobility will help reduce shoulder impingement, improve posture and maximize shoulder health... View More
May 15 2017
This exercise is an effective injury prevention tool to reduce excessive knee valgus and poor trunk control with landing... View More
May 1 2017
This exercise is an excellent way to enhance explosive strength, power and running performance... View More
April 15 2017
This exercise will improve hip mobility, while also increasing strength and stability on the front leg... View More
April 1 2017
This exercise can be added to the dynamic movement prep or even used as part of the normal training program... View More
March 15 2017
This exercise is an effective method for improving scapular stability, anti-extension strength, and dynamic shoulder stability... View More
March 1 2017
This exercise is an effective tool to improve deceleration, body control and lateral change of direction... View More