Brian Schiff

Brian Schiff, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. Currently, he serves as the supervisor for Raleigh Orthopaedic Performance Center (formerly EXOS at Raleigh Orthopaedic). Brian conducts live continuing education webinars and presents nationally at professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention, rehab and sport-specific training.
Feb. 8 2023
Poor muscle activation and endurance causes impaired movement of the scapula and may impart undue stress on the glenohumeral joint... View More
Jan. 10 2023
Whether recovering from an injury or simply looking to eliminate asymmetries, I often incorporate single leg squats in my programs... View More
Dec. 7 2022
Pectoralis major/minor and latissimus muscle tightness along with poor scapular control often leads to postural dysfunction and shoulder problems... View More
Nov. 2 2022
The axle roll out will facilitate pillar strength and stability from the shoulders to the hips, while teaching the client to maintain a neutral spine... View More
Oct. 19 2022
The ability to move efficiently in triple flexion and control the body as it moves to the side is important for injury prevention and performance... View More
Oct. 4 2022
These exercises involve using a BOSU® NexGen Pro Balance Trainer to improve agility, quickness and cardiovascular fitness and conditioning... View More
Sept. 14 2022
Strength imbalances and poor scapular stability can negatively impact shoulder health and performance... View More
Aug. 17 2022
The BOSU® NexGen Pro Balance Trainer is the ideal training tool to introduce an unstable environment for the lead leg in this exercise... View More
Aug. 2 2022
To improve pillar strength and stability, I prefer utilizing integrated exercises that target the shoulders, torso and hips... View More
July 5 2022
Upper trap dominance and poor scapular stabilization is a common issue with clients performing repetitive overhead activities (throwing, swimming, tennis, lifting, etc). Faulty mechanics may lead to... View More
June 14 2022
Overhead athletes of all ages and abilities struggle with postural stability and kinetic chain weakness. Unfortunately, asymmetrical loading often creates unavoidable imbalances and movement compensat
May 16 2022
This is an effective core exercise for the well client, as well as those recovering from a lower body injury... View More
May 4 2022
Hip tightness and limited mobility can impact the overall health of the lower kinetic chain and lower back... View More
April 1 2022
Hip adductor strains are a common problem for some athletes. This exercise offers a mobility option that can be done using a sliding disc to increase elasticity and warm the hip prior to more... View More
March 2 2022
Tight hip flexors are common and may limit movement capacity and performance. This exercise is designed to improve flexibility and promote optimal hip mobility... View More
Feb. 2 2022
Training the core to remain stable in transition is helpful for facilitating optimal movement and stability to aid performance and reduce injuries... View More
Jan. 4 2022
Poor dynamic hip stability and lower extremity weakness may contribute to increased injury risk or anterior knee pain. Single limb training is helpful for eliminating imbalances and improving balance... View More
Dec. 7 2021
This exercise is an effective tool for improving hip and core strength/stability in all clients... View More
Nov. 17 2021
This exercise offers many benefits including increased posterior chain strength, improved proximal hip/core stability, and better hip dissociation... View More
Nov. 2 2021
This exercise is a challenging and effective way to improve pillar (shoulder, torso and hip) strength and stability... View More