Brian Schiff

Brian Schiff, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. Currently, he serves as the supervisor for Raleigh Orthopaedic Performance Center (formerly EXOS at Raleigh Orthopaedic). Brian conducts live continuing education webinars and presents nationally at professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention, rehab and sport-specific training.
May 15 2015
Developing total body strength and power is always a goal for athletes. More specifically, building rotational power will often help increase performance. Training with body ropes allows for functionally... View More
May 1 2015
Whether recovering from an injury or simply looking to eliminate asymmetries and enhance function, I often incorporate single leg reaching progressions. The ability to balance and reach in a dynamic manner... View More
April 15 2015
Adding exercises that challenge stability in multiple planes of movement is a great way to activate more muscles and force secondary muscles to assist the prime movers. In this column, I will discuss how... View More
April 1 2015
Developing total body and multi-planar strength is important for weekend warriors and competitive athletes. Specifically, focusing on rotational strength in addition to triple extension will improve performance... View More
March 15 2015
Decreased mobility inthe thoracic spine often creates dysfunction and stress on other parts of thekinetic chain, namely the shoulder and lumbar spine. In many cases, clientswill demonstrate asymmetry based... View More
March 1 2015
Developing reactive stability and kinetic chain strength is important for athletes looking to perform their best. The Surge offers a great challenge to the human body through the use of water resistance
Feb. 15 2015
I like to include some single arm dumbbell training in my rehab and performance training with my clients. This allows for observation of any frank weakness and provides an opportunity to work on eliminating... View More
Feb. 1 2015
Developing rotational strength and power is necessary tomaximize performance in sports. Specifically, integrating the shoulders, torso and hips in a specificmovement pattern allows for more optimal functional... View More
Jan. 15 2015
Increasing shoulder, torso and hip strength and stability is a common training goal for athletes involved in sport. Facilitating hip disassociation and kinetic chain linking with exercise is always a plus,... View More
Jan. 1 2015
Developing lateral agility, foot speed and coordination are important for weekend warriors, recreational athletes and competitive athletes alike. Jumping rope is an excellent way to improve all of these... View More
Dec. 15 2014
The proposed benefits of self myofascial release using a foam roller are well known. Whole body vibration technology has been shown to be a useful adjunct to static stretching as well as improving stability... View More
Dec. 1 2014
All effective prehab and rehab programs for recreational and competitive athletes should build in single leg stability exercises. I like to use sliding exercises as one way to improve neuromuscular control... View More
Nov. 15 2014
Many of my athletes and clients exhibit poor hip mobility related to sitting and repetitive activity. Limited hip flexor and hamstring mobility both contribute to poor hip disassociation. One method I... View More
Nov. 1 2014
Shoulder pain and scapular dysfunction go hand in hand. I work with a lot of overhead athletes and pitchers. Keep in mind that throwers are expected to have some asymmetries. This exercise is an example... View More
Oct. 15 2014
Lateral quickness is an important part of athletic development. Having the ability to effectively decelerate and then re-accelerate the other way is critical for success in field and court sports. Incorporating... View More
Oct. 1 2014
Poor landing form and inadequate hip stability is a concern for many of the athletes I work with. One of the first things I like to assess is their ability to land and absorb force. You can learn a lot... View More
Sept. 15 2014
Core strength and stability deficits are apparent in many people. The ability to restrain movement while keeping a stable base or pillar is essential for injury prevention. Building prerequisite pillar... View More
Sept. 1 2014
Hip flexor tightness is a common finding in my assessments of clients. Restricted flexibility in the iliopsoas and rectus femoris restrict hip extension and create undue stress on the lumbar spine, as... View More
Aug. 15 2014
Increasing hip strength and stability is a common focus in training and injury prevention programs. Current research indicates hip and knee strengthening is more effective than knee strengthening alone... View More
Aug. 1 2014
Using a stability ball for hamstring exercises is commonplace in fitness and rehab settings. I feel the use of isometric exercise is often under rated and under utilized because it is viewed as boring... View More