Brian Schiff

Brian Schiff, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, is a licensed physical therapist, respected author and fitness professional. Currently, he serves as the supervisor for Raleigh Orthopaedic Performance Center (formerly EXOS at Raleigh Orthopaedic). Brian conducts live continuing education webinars and presents nationally at professional conferences and seminars on injury prevention, rehab and sport-specific training.
Feb. 15 2017
The exercise is designed to encourage upward rotation in a more functional manner... View More
Feb. 1 2017
Glenohumeral stability is important for those involved on overhead lifts, overhead sports and repetitive overhead activity... View More
Jan. 15 2017
This exercise is an effective way to improve hip flexor strength on the moving leg, while improving closed chain stability on the stance leg... View More
Jan. 1 2017
Poor trunk and hip stability is common for athletes recovering from a lower extremity injury or surgery... View More
Dec. 15 2016
This exercise is an effective way to target the gluteus medius while discouraging synergistic dominance from the TFL... View More
Dec. 1 2016
This exercise is an effective way to improve gluteal strength, proximal hip stability and dynamic balance... View More
Nov. 15 2016
This exercise will target the lower trapezius and promote proper mechanics... View More
Nov. 1 2016
This exercise will strengthen the serratus anterior as well as promote scapular and glenohumeral stability... View More
Oct. 15 2016
This stretch may be necessary to use soft tissue mobilization prior to the stretch if trigger points are present... View More
Oct. 1 2016
Chronic myofascial pain is often responsive to foam rolling and compression or trigger point techniques... View More
Sept. 15 2016
This exercise will promote upper body and core strength/stability as well as enhance shoulder stability... View More
Sept. 1 2016
This exercise is an excellent movement prep tool that promotes shoulder and pillar stability while also facilitating better hip mobility... View More
Aug. 15 2016
This mobility exercise can be done after soft tissue mobilization and used in a movement prep series before training, running or jumping... View More
Aug. 1 2016
Activating the glutes and minimizing tensor fascia lata (TFL) activation is preferential to avoid synergistic dominance with abduction exercises... View More
July 14 2016
The Ipsilateral Single Leg RDL is an effective way to increase hamstring mobility and strength... View More
July 1 2016
Stir the Pot is an excellent exercise to increase shoulder girdle and glenohumeral stability, as well as promoting overall pillar strength... View More
June 15 2016
This exercise is an excellent corrective exercise pattern for those with excessive spinal flexion and faulty movement patterns... View More
May 13 2016
This exercise will facilitate single leg strengthening, improve dynamic hip stability and address any reaching asymmetry... View More
May 1 2016
This exercise is a simple, yet effective way to increase lower extremity strength and improve hip/knee stability... View More
April 15 2016
This exercise is is an excellent way to advance a traditional side plank exercise to increase lateral chain and pillar strength... View More