Dec. 18 2007
Nearly 80 million US adults have cardiovascular disease (CVD), resulting in a 314 billion dollar price tag. So it is no wonder that those in the fitness industry are on a constant mission to improve those... View More
Nov. 28 2007
Since there are more than 77 million tennis enthusiasts in the US, according to Sports Illustrated, and tennis is the number one female sport in the US, there is a good chance you have a client who plays... View More
Nov. 28 2007
This book gives 121 prescriptions for longevity, and each page includes one tip that is easy to read and understand. Everything from detoxification to dental hygiene is extensively covered! Click here... View More
Nov. 28 2007
This book is a womens guide to turning back the clock by boosting their metabolism. The authors are solid researchers and practitioners in the fields of strength training and medical exercise program development,... View More
Nov. 28 2007
This book not only provides a variety of indoor and outdoor exercise routines using various modalities, it includes activities for recovery, injury prevention and cross-training and sound nutritional advice... View More
Nov. 28 2007
This is a practically written book that addresses and provides solutions to the difficult-to-avoid issues that fitness professionals face in their daily challenges when trying to get results, be productive,... View More
Nov. 28 2007
This manual shows how to use relaxation, reorganizing the mind, positive affirmations and visualization to help overcome cravings. Rob also covers overeating at meal times, the emotional discomfort of... View More
Nov. 16 2007
After five years as Club Manager, you are promoted to Vice President. Your first task is to fill your position and find someone to manage the club. Do you: · Promote... View More
Nov. 16 2007
Note to readers: extended content is in teal. A fellow trainer and studio owner recently asked me to review a marketing piece he created that was generating dismal results. The piece was meant... View More
Nov. 16 2007
Think of some the most recent personal training ads you've seen. Chances are, they are dense with copy, promising "muscular hypertrophy" and topped with a bicep-flexing photo of the shirtless trainer.... View More
Nov. 16 2007
If you're looking to hire a nice, cheery person to neatly put things in boxes and stick shipping labels on packages, you run an ad, conduct a few interviews and hire the best candidate. It's easy. ... View More
Nov. 16 2007
Two years ago, as I sat waiting for a doctor's appointment, I did what most people do: I picked up the magazine from the top of the pile and settled in for my typically long wait. I had very little interest... View More
Nov. 16 2007
Raw foods, and green foods in particular, have been consumed since the beginning of time. Hunter-gatherer tribes depended as much, if not more, on what staples they could forage in the wild as what they... View More
Nov. 16 2007
Well before you became a trainer, you probably noticed people who descended upon the gym in droves every January. By March, they were long gone. Looking back with the knowledge I've gained, I wonder how... View More
Nov. 16 2007
It takes passion, knowledge and salesmanship to make it as a personal trainer. Now it's time to use these same competencies to achieve a new personal best in your income, the factor that allows you to... View More
Nov. 14 2007
A successful personal training business requires trust and respect between the client and the trainer. Similarly, the relationships between the trainers and the training business employing them must... View More
Nov. 7 2007
One of the biggest mistakes fitness experts make is failing to stay in contact with their clients and prospects. And even when they do send newsletters to their list, most trainers make serious mistakes... View More
Nov. 7 2007
The National Council on Youth Sports is reporting that kids are joining two, three or more teams at once. The NCYS Reports on Trends and... View More
Nov. 7 2007
A Similar PhenomenonIn 1911, researchers begin taking special interest in a horse owned by a German mathematician named Von Osten. The horse, aptly named Clever Hans, was reported to able to count, add,... View More
Nov. 7 2007
We all know that sleep is absolutely critical to feeling and looking our best every day. Quality and quantity of sleep takes front and center stage when it comes to our physical, mental and emotional performance... View More