Feb. 18 2008
Human beings are social creatures, and many of us require motivation from others before embarking on a successful weight loss regimen or a fitness contest — it is extremely easy to give in or give... View More
Feb. 18 2008
Fitness trade journals report a 50% growth in Pilates from 1999. Both consumers and trainers have been educated by fitness journals, magazines and the standard media hype. Pilates has been touted as the... View More
Feb. 18 2008
If losing weight were easy, two out of three Americans would not be overweight, and one out of three would not be obese. The only thing more difficult than losing weight, though, is not regaining some... View More
Feb. 18 2008
Most fitness professionals not only want to grow but also excel in their chosen fitness field and be recognized for their accomplishments. Being provided with opportunities to develop both professionally... View More
Feb. 18 2008
Let's imagine you begin your first day at a new health club, and you're the personal trainer hired to do the "intake" interviews with all new members. "Hello," you appropriately begin with your first appointment.... View More
Feb. 12 2008
Athletes at all levels of competition continue to search intently for nutritional strategies, which may confer athletic performance and recovery benefits. We are operating in an era of unprecedented... View More
Feb. 12 2008
Through both my articles and seminar series, I discuss the Art of Coaching quite frequently. The Art of Coaching infers that it is not what you know as a coach that matters its how you can relay it to... View More
Feb. 12 2008
Jimi delivers to trainers the basic principles for success based on his experience as a professional wrestler and personal trainer. Some of the topics covered include: believing what you say, doing what... View More
Jan. 14 2008
We all know that member retention is one of the keys to a successful club. The difficult part is how to keeping your members from going to the newer, bigger club down the street. The truth is they don't... View More
Jan. 14 2008
One of the most rewarding things about being a personal trainer is the experience of positively impacting your clients' lives. It is even more inspiring when you see this impact being spread through your... View More
Jan. 14 2008
Whenever I come into contact with a coach or trainer who preaches the virtues of machine-based strength training for young athletes, the same argument is typically offered: machines are safer for kids... View More
Jan. 14 2008
The word "certification" headlining an article is enough to send shivers up my spine. It's a tired, controversial subject and has been unfairly scrutinized at times, although there are admittedly abuses... View More
Jan. 14 2008
Thanks to today's relatively cheap technology, every fitness expert has the potential to be an online celebrity. From YouTube videos to blogs, you have the opportunity to be discovered by countless potential... View More
Jan. 14 2008
Acquiring clients may not seem effortless to you, but I have a feeling that if Sherlock Holmes, the remarkable detective in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's murder mysteries, were commissioned to attain clients... View More
Jan. 9 2008
The goal of all local marketing initiatives — and the goal of this article — is to help you drive in new business. So how can small businesses avoid the common local marketing pitfalls that... View More
Jan. 9 2008
Yoga is more popular that ever. Why? Yoga provides a total body workout that enhances strength, cardiovascular condition, balance and flexibility. It also enhances bodily awareness, increases physical... View More
Jan. 8 2008
If I told you stretching was good for you, I would certainly be stretching the truth. There are many accepted ways of facilitating muscle lengthening,... View More
Jan. 8 2008
This book is targeted to men and is based on hundreds of interviews with coaches, trainers and body builders. The workouts consist of three 30-minute workouts a week, and the diet is based on glycogen... View More
Dec. 18 2007
This book is the bible for anyone wanting to not only survive but soar in the health club business. We all know retention is a major key to our success, yet many of us have dismal retention rates.... View More
Dec. 18 2007
As personal trainers, were very used to the one-on-one relationship, but the minute we hang a sign outside our own training studio or gym, things change. Trying to go it alone isnt just lonely it can be... View More