Execution: Begin with a mini-band around the wrists in a tall plank position. The hands should be directly beneath the shoulders, with the feet slightly wider than the hips initially to offer improved stability for the novice user. Actively engage the core musculature to lock in a neutral spine position. Next, slowly reach the right hand toward one o’clock (anterior medial reach). Place the hand down, pause and then return to the start position. Repeat this sequence reaching to three o’clock (medial reach) and five o’clock posterior medial reach). Perform 3-5 repetitions to each position. Rest for 30-60seconds, and then repeat the sequence moving the left arm in the same pattern. Perform 1-3 sets on each side.
1. Increase time under tension by using a slower cadence
2. Increase the level of resistance
3. Decrease stability by placing the feet closer together
1. Reduce the resistance or perform without elastic resistance
2. Perform the exercise in the quadruped position
Application: This exercise will promote shoulder and core strength/stability. It is useful with shoulders that demonstrate unilateral and multi-directional laxity, whether congenital or acquired through injury or adaptive response in the face of stress (e.g. throwing, gymnastics, serving and swimming). Improving shoulder strength/stability along with pillar stability is essential for injury prevention and optimal movement for overhead athletes and those performing routine resistance training.