This exercise is very helpful for restoring strength and power needed in triple extension for running, jumping, deceleration and sprinting activities... View More
Travis Barnes discovered his passion for fitness at an early age. At just 5 years old, when most kids are learning how to tie their shoes, Barnes set out to emulate the physique of his heroes at the t
Insufficient trunk and hip stability can increase harmful forces on the lumbar spine and entire kinetic chain during sports or higher intensity activities... View More
After a tumultuous year, the calendar finally turned to 2021. While we move ahead, it's important to look back on what we learned in order to grow. According to our analytics, these are the 5 most popular... View More
No matter what any expert in any industry tells you, they do not truly know what is going to happen over the next six months. Will things continue to move back to a new normal? Will our jobs resume as
If you read Part 1 of this article, then we already established that learning to harness the power of a millennial workforce is mandatory for teams looking to grow. We also introduced the first key to
Think of the best trainers that you’ve ever met or worked with. Chances are, it was mainly their personality, not their knowledge or letters behind their name, that impacted you the most... View More
Performing traditional barbell squats may pose significant physical challenges for some clientele based on their prior medical/injury history or simply be too technically demanding at first... View More
For many fitness business owners, the thoughts that keep them up at night are often about their people:Did I hire the right person?Can I trust her with my clients? With my business?Am I paying him too
Long lever abdominal exercises are popular. However, they also pose a risk for the lumbar spine given the relatively poor abdominal strength/control and lever arm created by momentum and the iliopsoas