Keeping up with trends is an integral part of remaining relevant as a fitness professional, and trends are moving into and out of our industry faster than ever before... View More
When isotonic loading creates knee pain, isometric exercise can serve as a good alternative until the client can progress to more traditional loading patterns... View More
Kourtney Thomas, our November 2019 PFP Trainer of the Month winner, has an outlook on life gives her a unique ability to reach to her clients and empower them to achieve real, meaningful change... View More
In the beginning - with your business purpose identified - your vision and strategy will start to take shape. That initial growth will be inherently fueled by that clear mission and focus. You and you
This exercise is an excellent training option to improve landing form, eccentric strength and dynamic stability in the entire lower kinetic chain... View More
This is an excellent exercise that can be integrated as part of a warm-up/movement prep session prior to engaging in overhead sports or lifting activities... View More
This exercise will improve hip shoulder, torso and hip strength, while also providing some cardiovascular conditioning given the repetitive multi-joint movements and pressing... View More
This exercise is very effective for increasing shoulder/pillar strength and stability. The movement itself requires good anti-rotation and anti-extension strength and endurance... View More
The endless vertical rope pull strengthens the back, chest, and shoulders, while challenging hip and core stability especially in the half kneeling position... View More
Through his writing, public speaking and community involvement, Johnny Ryder shares the message of fitness and health with his clients, no matter what age... View More
In what is now recognized as an entirely standalone category, FitTech is constantly changing and so is its impact on the industry, our businesses, and its impact on our consumer... View More