The increasing population of aging adults continues to highlight the importance for fitness professionals to be acutely aware of safe exercise for frail elders and adults with special needs. In the second edition of Exercise for Frail Elders, Elizabeth Best-Martini and Kim A. Jones-DiGenova offer a comprehensive resource separated into two main sections; 1) planning and 2) implementing exercise programs for frail elders and adults with special needs along with three appendices with substantial resources. The authors offer an evidence-based guide complete with exercise guides, teaching and cuing strategies, information on common conditions and even indications of exercise with certain medications. This is an incredibly valuable addition for any fitness professional who works with frail elders or adults with special needs.
Exercise for Frail Elders, Second Edition is availableat www.humankinetics.com.
Exercise for Frail Elders, Second Edition is availableat www.humankinetics.com.