Colleagues from all corners of the industry shared with us trends and insights of what they anticipate in 2020. From social media and employment trends to the competitive landscape, it is still obvious that there is no shortage of opportunities for fitness professionals over the next year. Staying current on the pulse of what’s happening in the industry, however, remains imperative.
On untapped markets
The senior and baby boomer population is still largely untapped and is a wonderful opportunity for many fitness professionals. They are great to work with, have disposable income, and are mostly ignored by franchise gyms. — Billy Hofacker
Medical fitness in a small group training environment is a growing opportunity for community and affordability. Fitness professionals working in this field need to become certified in medical fitness specializations. — Maurice Williams
On social media & marketing
Clients are becoming more immune to social advertising so fitness businesses looking to capitalize will need to become experts or start hiring more outside help. Those not able to compete with the monthly spend of current franchises will need to shift back into guerilla strategies their counterparts aren't utilizing. — Joe Drake
While Facebook and social media is not going anywhere in the near future, the fitness professionals who rely only on digital will be left behind. The more connected we are through social media, the more people crave in-person connection. — Billy Hofacker
On management & staffing
Fitness professionals are now expecting their leaders to embody a growth mindset and provide a work culture driven by soft skills. Leaders who continually work on their communication, trust, and performance management skills will attract and retain the best talent available! — Nathalie Lacombe
The biggest potential change to the industry is the legal necessity to classify trainers as employees instead of as independent contractors. This will result in exponential cost increases for facility owners and ultimately lower pay for trainers as owners look to pass on these added costs to the worker. — Chad Landers
Small gyms and fitness studios with formal (online and in-person hands-on) internships in place are positioning themselves to train, hire and retain more qualified employees who fit their culture. — Maurice Williams
In 2020, we will see more women in leadership roles and opportunities for women in fitness to advance in their careers across the industry. — Morgan Hills
On technology
Fitness apps such as NASM Edge or Fusionetics will continue to become more popular as they are making our lives as trainers easier. There's nothing better than a one-stop shop where we can access all of our clients’ data, programming, nutrition, etc. and give them access to valuable features. — Maurice Williams
On the future of the studio landscape
The bubble will burst and more studios and failing franchises will be closing down in the coming years. Those with money will be poised to step in and buy businesses cheap or at least capitalize on already built-out fitness spaces for their own concept. — Joe Drake