Dedicating over 30 years to the industry, Scott Keppel, our April 2020 Trainer of the Month and owner of Scott’s Training Systems (STS), has no intention of slowing down any time soon. His desire to empower, educate and encourage as many clients as possible stems from being bullied as a child and feeling powerless. Since opening STS, he has helped coaches make a living for themselves while helping thousands of clients. Scott is an NASM Master Trainer, is certified in pre/post-natal training, post breast cancer and is the official trainer for 10 states in the Miss USA organization.
Here is a look at how Scott is raising the bar…
Certifications/qualifications: NASM Master Trainer, Youth Exercise Specialist (YES), Women’s Fitness Specialists (WFS), Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS) MovNat Certified, ISSA certified, pres/post natal, post breast cancer, bodybuilding
Studio/Business Name: Scott’s Training Systems (STS)
What inspired you to start your business?
Website: www.scottstrainingsystems.com
Facebook: STS-Scott’s Training Systems
LinkedIn: Scott Keppel
Twitter: @STSGetfit
What inspired you to start your business?
From as young as I can remember, I wanted to own my own gym and give the gift of fitness, nutrition and help people with a healthy mindset. I wanted to be able to empower, educate and encourage as many clients and coaches as possible. I wanted to be able to create an environment where coaches are able to have the financial and creativity space they desire. I feel this stems from me being bullied as a child and not wanting anyone to feel powerless. I also played sports in high school and college and through my injuries I had to make modifications which lead me to the desire of creating specific plans for clients based on their current fitness level, limitation and goals.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
We must be able to adapt. We need to adapt based on the client. We need to be able to adapt based on how the client is feeling that day. We also need to adapt based on the industry. This is now more prevalent than ever due to Covid-19. We can no longer focus solely on seeing clients in person. We must be able to coach virtually, indoors, outdoors and/or wherever we can find clients.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other places/gyms/trainers, what would they likely say?
They would say, we provide an environment that is safe, where people get results, where people feel as though they are heard and where we really dig deep in order to find their why.
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry?
I am working with COACHD to help other coaches and clients with online training. I work with several charities throughout Arizona to create events to not only raise awareness for the charity, but bring fitness to those who may otherwise not appreciate the value of exercise.