Sept. 10 2010
Nearly three-quarters of all Americans eat fewer vegetables each day than the national health objectives for fruit and vegetable consumption advises them to, says a new report from the Centers for Disease... View More
Sept. 10 2010
Publisher Mary Ann Liebert announced the launch of Childhood Obesity to provide physicians, nurses, dietitians, diabetes educators, nutritionists, psychologists, educators and school nurses, community... View More
Sept. 9 2010
Distance runners who stretch before running may not be able to run as far-and yet spend more energy doing it, according to a study in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning, official research journal... View More
Sept. 8 2010
In the first of a series of exercises to do with a BOSU ball, Brian demonstrates BOSU Ball Split Squat Diagonal Chops, which can be used to improve balance, hip strength/stability, hip flexor extensibility... View More
Sept. 8 2010 Another great book by Velopress,One-Hour Workouts is a tremendous tool for trainers. With a bike, run or swim workout on each page, trainers can pull expert workouts for endurance... View More
Sept. 8 2010
Sometimes our clients need tough love. Your client's spouse, mom, best friend and coworkers are all telling her what she wants to hear: "You've worked hard today. Don't do it if you dont feel like it."... View More
Sept. 8 2010
Biologists at the University of California, Riverside have found that voluntary activity, such as daily exercise, is a highly heritable trait that can be passed down genetically to successive generations.... View More
Sept. 8 2010
Hold the bacon. Bring on the peanut butter. If you're trying to cut carbs, it may be better for your health to eat more protein and fat from plant sources than animal sources, a new study says. Scientists... View More
Sept. 8 2010
The use of bariatric or weight loss surgery has increased ten-fold in NHS hospitals in England since 2000, finds a study published on One reason for this rapid rise is increased demand from obese... View More
Sept. 3 2010
Scientists are reporting new evidence that the fat tissue in those spare tires and lower belly pooches - far from being a dormant storage depot for surplus calories - is an active organ that sends chemical... View More
Sept. 3 2010
Summer is almost over and it's "Back to School" time again. While parents celebrate their children's return to class and a bit of freedom throughout the day, fitness professionals rejoice at the return... View More
Sept. 2 2010
Those Picked Last, a foundation created to educate and bring together parents, children, clinicians, educators, politicians and businesses to combat childhood obesity, is announcing its first ever conference... View More
Sept. 1 2010
There's a product for everything in the fitness industry, and no one knows them better than the people who use them! PFP asked readers to share their thoughts on the products they love and hate for our... View More
Sept. 1 2010
I've always believed that a quality trainer could deliver countless, incredibly effective workouts without any equipment whatsoever. It isn't the surroundings or the tools that make a trainer great; instead,... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Sure, you can do 50 burpees, 20 jump squats and 20 TRX pull-ups before starting your morning run; you have an arsenal of over 400 movements that involve "the core" and you know theories old and new related... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Is there more to you than meets the eye? I'd bet there is. Do your clients know? Sometimes you have to let them know more about your business, because our clients tend to have tunnel vision. When they... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Your clients work hard to achieve the body they want. After all, they've hired a personal trainer and committed to regular exercise. They're probably watching what they eat, too. But if they're not seeing... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Soon after I decided to become an "exercise therapist," I realized that I was in a business where I could guarantee results, and that made me giddy. I had witnessed firsthand that if someone put a physical... View More
Sept. 1 2010
Hot summer days call us to the water, and whether you are a casual dipper or serious swimmer, yoga can really help your strokes. Swimming, like any repetitive exercise, causes overuse in some muscle groups... View More
Sept. 1 2010
As a fitness industry pro, odds are you've run across, or probably bought, some program created by John Spencer Ellis. Ubiquitous in our industry, Ellis heads up a conglomeration of companies that gross... View More