Jan. 17 2012
Yale School of Medicine researchers have found that the likelihood of becoming disabled with age increases with the following factors: having a chronic condition or cognitive impairment; low physical activity;... View More
Jan. 17 2012
Two investigations being published by JAMA reveal that the prevalence of obesity in the United States has not changed considerably. Approximately 1 in 3 adults and 1 in 6 children and adolescents are obese,... View More
Jan. 15 2012
An international team of scientists has isolated a natural hormone or chemical messenger in muscle cells that triggers some of the important health benefits of exercise. They have named it "irisin", after... View More
Jan. 15 2012
A review article by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) debunks the widely-believed concept that hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the result of excess salt causing an increased... View More
Jan. 13 2012
Fiber is probably best known for its ability to help with constipation. But fiber also can lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease. How can you get more fiber? Choose cereals with 'bran' or 'fiber'... View More
Jan. 13 2012
According to a recent study by researchers in Family and Community Medicine at the Thomas Jefferson University published in the current issue of the Journal of Obesity, obesity is associated with higher... View More
Jan. 12 2012
Knowledge, they say, is power.In today's competitive environment, it is also a requirement for fitness professionals who want to stay on top of their game by expanding their influence and effectively helping... View More
Jan. 12 2012
For handball players, ankle sprains are just part of life. But this may be about to change: Christian Peham and colleagues at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna have undertaken a detailed analysis... View More
Jan. 12 2012
A worldwide study has shown that physical activity during work and leisure time significantly lowers the risk of heart attacks in both developed and developing countries. Ownership of a car and a television... View More
Jan. 12 2012
Over the past 10 years, Americans drank more sugar-sweetened beverages than ever - as much as 13 billion gallons a year - making these drinks the largest source of added sugar and excess calories in the... View More
Jan. 10 2012
Most of us get our start in the fitness industry the same way. We are hard-studying kinesiology students in college trying to earn some extra money on the side by filling our schedules with a few clients... View More
Jan. 10 2012
An experimental drug that once made the headlines as the "couch potato pill", for its capacity to mimic the effects of exercise in sedentary mice, may have another use, as a way to protect against heat... View More
Jan. 9 2012
How do you know if being a personal trainer is your true calling? Are you sure it is what you were meant to do? The following are 10 indicators that will help you answer these questions.1. You can't wait... View More
Jan. 9 2012
Parents of picky eaters can encourage their children to eat more nutritionally diverse diets by introducing more color to their meals, according to a new Cornell University study. The study finds that... View More
Jan. 6 2012
A systematic review of earlier studies indicates that physical activity and academic performance of children may be positively linked. In the January issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine,... View More
Jan. 6 2012
Battling colds and doing (or pledging to do) more exercise are familiar activities for most of us in January. But different levels of exercise can actually significantly increase or decrease your chances... View More
Jan. 6 2012
When eating in excess, it is the number of calories we consume rather than protein that raises total body fat, researchers from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, reported... View More
Jan. 6 2012
It seems as though every month there is another dieting fad, that promises to melt away the pounds over night and keep you trim. The fashions come and go, rotating from the unknown, into flavor of the... View More
Jan. 3 2012
It's often easy to get into a comfortable routine with our clients and our businesses that may even become complacency, taking for granted that our clients will continue to pay us month after month. In... View More
book review
Jan. 3 2012
A fitness professional can never have too many books and resources on human anatomy and kinetics. Frederic Delavier's Core Training Anatomy is a perfect addition to any fitness professional's library;... View More