When I received my editor’s copy of “Your Time is NOW” by Josh “JB” Bowen, in all honesty, I believed it was going to be just another book on self-motivation and self-development. This book is the newest addition to Bowen’s authored collection; but I presume this one had far more meaning than his previous. It wasn’t until I opened to the dedication page when I knew this one would be different. There was the sweetest picture of a tiny baby boy followed by the foreword by Bowen’s client and best friend recalling the pain and life-changing experience of losing her son in utero at 38 weeks. “Your Time is NOW” is a short compilation of motivational vignettes that will give perspective to anyone facing any challenge, to remember that your time is NOW.
All proceeds of the book will be donated to “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep,” a non-profit organization dedicated to photography for families who have experienced infant death as a way to memorialize their children.