I'm writing this article while sitting beside a gorgeous lake in North Central Ontario. It is our family summer vacation and a much needed break from the everyday grind. For me, "the grind" is a 4:30 AM... View More
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is a miniseries on how you can make the baby boomer market successful within your fitness business. Part four, "The Effects of Aging" explores the ways the body changes over... View More
Not everyone wants to be an independent personal trainer or fitness business owner. There's something to be said for working at an awesome club in a great environment, but this inevitably creates a catch-22... View More
In planning my latest Entrepreneur column, I was trying to come up with something that might set me apart from others. While I was thinking about it, it occurred to me that I had been asked the same question... View More
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is a miniseries on how you can make the baby boomer market successful within your fitness business. Part four, "The Effects of Aging" explores the ways the body changes over... View More
When reading about building a fitness business, there is a recurring theme that comes from almost every consultant, expert or coach. When you need assistance or feel like you are in over your head...get... View More
It's easy for us to be work-a-holics as we submit to letting our clients schedules dictate ours. Do you finish each day feeling like there never seems to be enough time to work both on and in our businesses... View More
So you've done your research and soul-searching and are at a point where you want to proceed to develop a DVD. Now the daunting part: How do you do it? Where do you start? What is the process? Connect... View More
Have you ever been called out by a client? I was years ago and my priorities changed in an instant. I had always prided myself on knowing that I was focused on the client and their life, their goals. Their... View More
So there I was, coasting along, 35 years old, traveling the world, carefree, connected fully with my passion, and I had a brilliant idea. I was going to ask Amy, who no longer worked for me, to go away... View More
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is asix-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful withinyour fitness business. Part three, "Boost Their Strength" takes a look at the different strength-training... View More
DVD can be a great medium to take your program to consumers all over the US and beyond. But is it right for you? First, you need to consider "why" you want to or should go this route. Once you've adequately... View More
How to create a team environment and boost retention for your personal training business (and eight systems you can use to keep it going) Personal training has been a very valuable profession for many... View More
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is asix-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful withinyour fitness business. Part two, "10 Reasons You Should Know this Niche," uses both experience... View More
Oneof the great things about the personal training industry is that it is a young,vibrant business that is growing and evolving every day. To some degree, we arepioneers or trailblazers moving into uncharted... View More
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is a six-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful within your fitness business. Part one, "Your Bread and Butter?" takes a data-supported look at the... View More
The neat thing about personal training is that it is just that: personal. It is different for everyone. Getting in shape means something unique to each person that you ask. It might mean losing weight.... View More
I’ve never met a trainer who didn’t profess to love his/her job. However, I’ve seen many trainers drag themselves through the gym door just in time to make the session and offer up a... View More
A Q&A with four franchise creators on where the boot camp trend is heading Back in 1998, I wrote an article for a local magazine about some military-style fitness boot camps that were popping up across... View More
If you’re like me, you’ve got many clients who have been training with you for a long time. Most of them look great, are incredibly healthy and certainly don’t have much more body fat... View More