April 22 2012
Fitness professionals know how hard it is to getaway; you have clients to train, classes to teach and bills to pay. But if you could go on vacation while only working a few hours each day teaching classes... View More
April 20 2012
Kidney stones strike an estimated 1 million Americans each year, and those who have experienced the excruciating pain say it is among the worst known to man (or woman). Now, new research by scientists... View More
April 19 2012
At a time when obesity has become epidemic in American society, Dartmouth scientists have found that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) brain scans may be able to predict weight gain. In a study... View More
April 18 2012
Can lack of sleep make you fat? A new paper which reviews the evidence from sleep restriction studies reveals that inadequate sleep is linked to obesity. The research, published in a special issue of the... View More
April 17 2012
Technical issues are often cited as barriers to salt reduction initiatives. However, a recent study, published in Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), states that researchers have found that salt... View More
April 16 2012
Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer might fight off distressing side effects and improve psychological well-being by staying off the couch. According to the University of Miami (UM) study, women... View More
ITB Rolling (start)
April 15 2012
It is fairly well accepted in medical/rehab circles that much of the lateral knee pain felt by runners is related to the iliotibial band (ITB). Researchers report that frictional forces are greatest between... View More
April 15 2012
I recently was inspired by a feature I read about Lauren Bush Lauren (granddaughter of former President George H.W. Bush, niece of former President George W. Bush and married to fashion designer Ralph... View More
April 15 2012
I just spent about 40 hours over the last three days at a high-end conference on developing your brand and spreading your message. The reason I chose to go to this conference and spend the high price... View More
April 15 2012
Overuse injuries - found most often in low-contact sports that involve long training sessions or where the same movement is repeated numerous times - make up nearly 30 percent of all injuries sustained... View More
April 15 2012
Hedstrom -- a Division of Ball, Bounce and Sport Inc. -- has acquired exclusive, worldwide distribution of BOSU products from Fitness Quest, Inc. Hedstrom is most recognized as the manufacturer of... View More
April 13 2012
Pregnant women who are overweight with moderately elevated blood sugar never set off any alarms for their physicians. The big concern was for women who were obese or who had gestational diabetes because... View More
April 12 2012
Nearly 18 percent of U.S. school-aged children and adolescents are obese, as the rate of childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. The prevalence of obesity puts children at greater... View More
April 11 2012
The results of a national US study suggest that women are at greater risk for developing metabolic syndrome than men because they are less likely to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. It found that... View More
April 10 2012
In a study examining the relationship between physical activity and physical function, researchers from Australia discovered that older adults who experienced any level of psychological distress were more... View More
April 10 2012
Both radiation and many forms of chemotherapy try to kill tumors by causing oxidative stress in cancer cells. New research from USC on a protein that protects cancer and other cells from these stresses... View More
April 10 2012
A compound found in red wine, grapes and other fruits, and similar in structure to resveratrol, is able to block cellular processes that allow fat cells to develop, opening a door to a potential method... View More
April 10 2012
Maternal metabolic conditions, including obesity and/or diabetes, are linked to a higher chance of giving birth to children with a neurodevelopmental disorder, including autism, researchers from the University... View More
April 10 2012
High fat diets cause damage to blood vessels earlier than previously thought, and these structural and mechanical changes may be the first step in the development of high blood pressure. These findings... View More
April 10 2012
Men who regularly consume foods rich in flavonoids, such as berries, apples, certain vegetables, tea and red wine, may significantly reduce their risk for developing Parkinson's disease, according to a... View More