Sept. 20 2006
Body composition is getting more and more attention lately and clients are listening. It is not about the scale anymore. It is about body composition analysis. Metabolic testing is also becoming a staple... View More
Sept. 20 2006
No one is surprised by the statistic that eight out of 10 people will experience back pain during their lifetime to a degree greater than... View More
Sept. 20 2006
As personal trainers, we like to address the concept of change. Everyone in the work force can relate to the word "change" at some level, but... View More
Sept. 20 2006
So, you are interested in opening up a wellness facility? You have a site selected, and you ran all the demographic studies possible to compile... View More
Sept. 20 2006
You can be the most knowledgeable personal trainer in the world, but if you are not capable of selling your services consistently, you will starve. I have had the opportunity to work with many talented... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Certified. Experienced. Competent. Outgoing. Professional. Reliable. Those are words typically used in classified "Help Wanted" ads seeking... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Within a clinical setting, there are normally a fixed number of ways to earn revenue. Typically these are limited to those things that... View More
Sept. 20 2006
If you want to be perceived as an expert and drive in new customers, nothing has greater impact than delivering a solid, memorable message to a live, qualified audience. Successful seminar leaders know... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Smile. Look in the mirror and smile. What do you see? Hopefully teeth. If I asked a million American adults between the ages of seven... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Health clubs have been known to save lives, but the results are not usually as quick and visible as some members have recently seen. Due to new legislation in many states, as well as the preventive concern... View More
Sept. 20 2006
What is wellness? Wellness is a state of feeling well in body, mind and spirit, together with a sense of reserve power. It is based on normal functioning of the tissues and organs of the body, a practical... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Whatever driving force is making you want to open a wellness facility and capitalize on this economic revolution needs to be validated with thorough evaluation of the market you plan to service. Demographics... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Physical therapists, physicians, personal trainers and chiropractors have similar business goals: improve the health of their patients, help... View More
Sept. 20 2006
I remember being in school and thinking "Once I get through school, I'll have it made. I'll be rewarded handsomely for what I love doing, and all of my worries will be over." Imagine my surprise when I... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Our health care system is a mess. Our government leaders aren't happy about Medicare spending. Doctors aren't happy because their reimbursements... View More
Sept. 20 2006
There are changes that need to be made in our health care communities: physicians and complementary health practitioners must collaborate; patients must take responsibility for their health; doctors need... View More
Sept. 20 2006
One statement says it all: Health care fraud is now the number three law enforcement priority in this nation just behind terrorism and violent... View More
Sept. 20 2006
In my last article, "Buyer's Guide for Health Care Businesses," I discussed the necessary tools needed to run a fitness business. However, once... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Who are your best prospects? That's a question marketing experts in every arena seek to answer. When it comes to personal trainers and fitness studio operators, the answer to the question is clear. Or... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Editor's Note: This is part three of a six-part series about creating a wellness and fitness center from the perspective of an existing medical office or fitness facility. In the coming months, be... View More