FW Reaching Lunge
May 18 2011
As he wraps up his tight-ankle series, Brian demonstrates two effective body weight training exercises to improve closedchain ankle dorsiflexion. If you're just beginning the series, check out Ankle... View More
May 17 2011
Giving pedometers to patients screened for depression, HealthPartners Medical Group (HPMG) is prescribing walking or exercise in addition to medication and/or therapy as an effective tool in helping patients... View More
May 17 2011
A master regulator gene which causes obesity and is linked to diabetes and cholesterol and controls the behavior of distant genes that exist inside fat cells has been identified, researchers from King's... View More
May 17 2011
Vitamin D supplements may help patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) get more from their pulmonary rehabilitation programs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Belgium.... View More
May 11 2011
Obesity appears to impair normal muscle function in rats, an observation that could have significant implications for humans, according to Penn State researchers. "Our findings demonstrate that obesity... View More
May 6 2011
Vigorous exercise offers more of a mood boost than less strenuous exercise, a new study finds. U.K. researchers compared 11 sedentary people who did moderate and high-intensity exercise. Their mood was... View More
May 6 2011
KettleBell Concepts (KBC) and SIL FITNESS have joined forces. SIL FITNESS is now the exclusive distributor for KBC-brand kettlebells in the United States. The 20 year old Brick, New Jersey based company... View More
May 4 2011
I've been battling an out-of-alignment hip, which made itself known through shooting knee pain late in a 14-mile run. This injury, where my right hip was higher than my left, has plagued me for more than... View More
May 4 2011
This comprehensive guide to avoiding andovercoming running injuries is a must for all fitness professionals who traindistance runners. Beginning with healthy training practices, Running Doc'sGuide to Healthy... View More
Soleus Foam Rolling
May 4 2011
In his last column, Brian demonstrated screening tools used to asses and identify ankle asymmetries. In this column, Brian demonstrates a basic series ofexercises to begin mobilizing the soleus and addressing... View More
May 4 2011
The American Heart Association encourages people to consume no more than 1,500 milligrams a day of sodium to reduce their risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke and kidney disease. This is... View More
May 4 2011
By changing the expression of a gene that affects body weight regulation and turns "bad" white fat into brown "good" fat, US scientists believe they may have found a way to help the body burn calories... View More
May 4 2011
In conjunction with May as Exercise is Medicineâ® Month, "The World's Largest Exercise Class" is coming to children and schools around the world today. Project ACES (All Children Exercise Simultaneously)... View More
May 3 2011
As a certified personal trainer, a good first impression isvital to the success of our business. Our first impression comes in the form ofa personal assessment and provides an opportunity to establish... View More
May 2 2011
Childhood obesity is a growing problem today, and the demand for fitness programs aimed at the general teen and kid population is also increasing. But training kids is not the same as training adults,... View More
May 2 2011
Our culture is in a state of crisis with obesity at an all time high, affecting 33% of the population. Besides the obvious challenges of being overweight or obese in our world, when it comes to exercise,... View More
May 2 2011
Stephen Cabral didn't start out with one of the most profitable training studios in the country. Like most highly successful professionals, he worked his way up from the bottom, fueling himself with passion... View More
May 2 2011
Nutrition during the first days or weeks of life may have long-term consequences on health, potentially via a phenomenon known as the metabolic programming effect, according to a study to be presented... View More
spano, marie (2)
April 29 2011
By now weall know that many athletes, depending on their sport, need carbohydrates tomaximize their performance. In fact, hundreds of studies conducted over thepast several decades have shown that carbohydrates... View More
April 29 2011
How much exercise are overweight and obese people getting? More than many might think, according to research findings by nurses from Case Western Reserve University's Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing.... View More