June 8 2011
As fitness professionals, we are continually faced withsimilar concerns among our female clientele. They don't want to "bulk up,"they want to "tone" and "lengthen" their muscles, longcardio is the only... View More
June 8 2011
Living and working as a busy fitness professional,especially with a non-stop daily schedule from before-sunrise to after-sunset, maynot just lead to exhaustion, but a feeling at the end of the week like... View More
June 7 2011
A new study comparing lifelong obesity with the weight fluctuations of "yo-yo dieting" suggests it is better to attempt to lose weight despite repeated failures at keeping the weight off than to not diet... View More
June 7 2011
DALLAS, June 6, 2011 – The National Athletic Trainers’ Association, a nonprofit organization representing and supporting members of the athletic training profession, will induct nine individuals... View More
June 6 2011
A new study suggests that many adults have large amounts of brown fat, the "good" fat that burns calories to keep us warm, and that it may be possible to make even more of this tissue. The study's lead... View More
June 3 2011
Everytwo or three years we, as certified personal trainers, are required to earn a predeterminednumber of continued education units (CEU) to maintain our certification status.Every recertification period... View More
June 3 2011
New research suggests an effective recovery drink may already be in your refrigerator: lowfat chocolate milk. Grabbing lowfat chocolate milk after a tough workout helped give both trained and amateur athletes... View More
June 3 2011
Approximately 3,000 years before Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin released the "Hula-Hoop," Egyptian children would make circles from dried grape vines and swing them around their waists. The ancient... View More
June 3 2011
Hip strengthening exercises performed by female runners not only significantly reduced patellofemoral pain - a common knee pain experienced by runners - but they also improved the runners' gaits, according... View More
June 3 2011
As little as two minutes of exercise a day can reduce pain and tenderness in adults with neck and shoulder problems, according to research being presented today at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American... View More
June 1 2011
Overweight and obese people looking to drop some pounds and considering one of the popular low-carbohydrate diets, along with moderate exercise, need not worry that the higher proportion of fat in such... View More
May 31 2011
For the last two decades the federal government has used the Food Pyramid as the basis for good nutritional advice, which never told people how much of which types of foods they should eat. Many also criticized... View More
May 31 2011
University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology researcher Elias Tomaras says the idea came to him while watching track and field sprinters warm-up for a race. "If you watch sprinters, short distance speed... View More
May 24 2011
The largest ever UK audit of a partnership between the NHS and a commercial weight management company has demonstrated the effectiveness of slimming clubs in tackling obesity with a programme of long term... View More
May 24 2011
Much has been written about getting past "plateaus." The concept assumes that at one time, you were actually moving in a positive direction and that you are now... stuck. It is frustrating beyond belief... View More
May 21 2011
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and the most common cause of disability today. It was once considered a problem of the old but it is now commonly diagnosed in those as young as the mid-twenties... View More
May 19 2011
As more and more children participate in a single sport on a year-round basis, these young athletes are increasingly at risk for overuse injuries. Additionally, concussions have become a major cause for... View More
May 19 2011
New research from Michigan State University reveals working out with a virtual partner improves motivation during exercise. The study led by Deborah Feltz, chairperson of MSU's Department of Kinesiology,... View More
May 18 2011
A friend is going through a divorce that has left her numb and confused. She's not sure she wants to go through with the proceedings. The lawyers are pressuring her to move forward quickly but her heart... View More
May 18 2011
If you're already familiar withtraining older adults, you know that special considerations need to be takenand program adjustments need to me made. If you're not yet familiar with theneeds of this population,... View More