Certifications/qualifications: Master’s Degree in HPER (Exercise Science), Bachelor’s Degree in Health & Physical Education, National Corporate Fitness Institute (NCFI) Master Trainer
Studio/Business Name: AYC Health & Fitness
Website: www.aycfit.com & www.GregJustice.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AYCfit
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-justice-56800911/
Twitter: @aycfit
Year started in business: 1986
Awards & recognition:
National Fitness Hall of Fame Level II Master Trainer (25+ years of service in the fitness industry)
What inspired you to start your business?
Before personal training was an industry, I managed a local fitness center that specialized in large group fitness classes. I noticed that as soon as you corrected the form of one of the participants and moved on to the next, they would go right back to doing it wrong. The idea to open Kansas City’s original personal training center came as a result of that experience and the purchase of a $.25 book at a garage sale, called Body by Jake.
I started Greg Justice Enterprises (Fitness Business Consulting), because I felt a calling to elevate the professional and ethical standard of an industry for which I had great passion. I saw many trainers that were great with the technical aspect, but lacking in the business and “art” of personal training.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
I should have taken more business classes during my seven years of college. That being said, I believe the practical lessons I’ve learned are equally, if not more valuable than my formal education.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over others, what would they likely say?
This question is easy because I survey my clients regularly and here’s their answer…nearly every one of them said someone else personally referred them to me, and that my reputation as a personal trainer is what motivated them to call. My average client tenure is 27+ years because, as one of my clients once said, “The reason I like working out with you is that you make this so personal, but always keep it professional.”
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry?
Through my certification and educational programs like, the National Corporate Fitness Institute (www.ncfinstitute.com), and traveling/speaking at industry conferences around the country.