After 15 years in senior sales and marketing roles in the media industry, Chantal Brodrick decided to redirect her path and pursue her love for fitness. Working as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor and fitness business coach, Chantal soon realized how she could utilize her background and experience to meet a clear need in the fitness industry: helping fitness professionals prosper and profit from their passion. In 2015, she became the host of The Fitness Business Podcast – the world’s leading podcast for fitness business owners and managers with over 360,000 downloads and over 220 shows where she leads captivating interviews with many of the industry’s most respected leaders, coaches, consultants and authors. Chantal has been recognized as one of IHRSA’s “Women Who Inspire,” and is a sought-out speaker for industry events across the globe.
Chantal Brodrick is, without question, making an impact on our industry and here is how she is sharing her message…
My ideal clients are fitness business owners and managers and fitness professionals.
My message is to provide fitness professionals with business information and education, so they can be successful and profitable doing what they love.
If I had only one way to share my message it would be podcasting. Podcasting allows me to connect with my audience by providing them with weekly information to enhance their professional life.
Successful messaging starts with truly knowing who you are speaking to, knowing their needs, wants and pain points.
People follow me because The Fitness Business Podcast provides relevant action-based education that has been created specifically for fitness professionals.