At the end of the day, regardless of how many we help live a fit and healthy life, we still have to make a profit to keep our doors open month after month.
When it comes to making money, we typically turn our focus externally to social media posts, email marketing, community involvement and 21-day feeder programs to draw in potential leads.
What if you didn’t have to look beyond your four walls to increase your business? What if you didn’t have to worry about your social media LIKES or SHARES to spread the word? What if you didn’t have to rely on feeder programs to attract new clients?It’s easy to focus on the external aspects of running a great business because it’s easy to measure - how many emails you send, feeder programs you run, LIKES a post gets or free talks you give.
It’s called busy work. It makes us feel better about our selves at the end of the day, but it doesn’t really help us achieve lasting long-term success.
What if you simply focused on becoming better at the basics of running a great business instead running around ‘busy’ all day?
Look at this this way: If you could…
• deliver on your promises every time…
• connect with your clients as soon as they walk in the door…
• keep your facility surgically clean at every hour…
• spot check your bathrooms every hour…
• become a better role model of sleeping more, eating better and training less…
• take care of your team to ensure they thrive inside your gym and not burn out…
• engage your community with confidence around the values you’ve established…
…shouldn’t you do it?
Adhering to these basics over the long-haul is not easily measured, nor typically praised. It’s not a microwavable recipe for success either. But when we master the basics, we do something not many facilities can:
Meeting the basic needs of every client who walks through our doors.
The basics sound old school, like the days of disco and rotary dial phones. They sound like leg-warmers and spandex are making a comeback.
Today’s clients are seeking experiences beyond the typical workout routine they could find on an app. They want to be taken care of. They want to be known when they walk in. They want to connect with a community of like-minded individuals.
They simply want their basic needs met and exceeded.
When you meet and surpass these basic needs, profits (aka: extra cash after the bills are paid) will flow in abundance.
Coaching Tip: To finally manage your money and not have it manage you, serve your clients by taking care of the basics. Once you master the basics, then challenge these basics in innovative ways.