So much of the talk geared towards fitness professionals focuses on lead generation:
- Follow this automated email system to gain 100 new clients
- Implement this sales funnel and build a million dollar business
- Learn the secret to closing $20,000 of training in your 1st month
The cost of trying to find new clients isn’t cheap. And to get our hands on one of these lead generation systems usually costs us money that we don't have within our budget.
Here’s the kicker: Lead generation is more about brains than it is budget.Let me explain.
Most of us want and need new clients walking in the door and blowing up our phones on a daily basis. Why? That’s three-fold:
1. We have big dreams of helping as many people as possible
2. We dream of stepping out of working “in” the trenches to working “on” our business.
3. We need to pay our bills and actually put food on the table at home
It’s during this time of wanting more, we start to believe in the programs that promise us quick ways to bring in more clients that we could ever dream of.
But there’s a catch…How good are we keep them coming back?
We focus so much on attracting new clients that we forget that it’s far less expensive to keep the ones we currently have instead of chasing after new clients. Typically we have to consistently keep finding new clients back we fail to deliver an training experience that keeps clients engaged and wanting to return.
easy vs hard
It’s easy to build a funnel system or implement a system to drive new clients in your doors. It takes grit and patience, day-in and day-out, over the weeks, months and years that you hope a client continues to train with you.
It’s easy to ‘boost’ your Facebook ads to generate more shares and likes on your page. It takes vision to deliver a consistent brand experience, regardless if you have only one person at 5:30am or you have see 20+ clients and finish at 8:00pm.
It’s easy to spend $250 to have a marketing group create fancy Instagram pics and branded Youtube videos. It takes vulnerability to make sure what you post honestly represents your brands message, the true client experience they get when walk in your door for the first time or the 250th time.
Focus on the experience
Albert Einstein said “The only source of knowledge is experience.”
Your brand experience, what actions and events your clients observe throughout their time with you, at every touch point along the way, is where your focus should be when it comes to lead generation.
Getting people in your door is easy. Keep them coming back, reinvesting, and building trust with you and your team as you deliver on your brand promises, takes major purposeful effort.
Experience is the teacher of all things when it comes to your brand and client loyalty.