Whether you are a solo fitness professional training clients at a gym or an entrepreneur managing a large staff; systems are the cornerstone of a successful business. Having solid systems in your business will lend itself to a smoother operation and a greater rate of success.
Below are four systems that every business should have in place, whether a one-trainer business or a large enterprise. I've included a few of the checklists and other details that may or may not be applicable to the systems within your business.
You want to create your systems in a way that would hypothetically allow another person to come in to your business and execute the systems as seamlessly as possible to keep your business going even without you there.
System #1: Sales and marketing
Your sales and marketing systems become easier over time; you can hone your marketing tactics based on which campaigns, promotions or sales and advertising strategies are successful for you year-to-year. For example, if you ran a successful New Year's campaign, be sure to track the campaign timeline and all details from the preparation to the follow-up so that next year you can run the program more easily and more effectively.
Your sales and marketing systems and checklists can include:
- Marketing and advertising calendars (weekly, monthly, annual)
- Marketing and advertising checklist for ads, websites, social media, etc.
- Sales process including client follow-up
System #2: New client management
You want to manage your new clients consistently; this will pay back in huge dividends when it comes to your credibility and value. Included in your new client systems:
- Account management: do you enter new client information in a client management system or accounting program?
- Organization of key client forms (health and release forms, injury reports, goal sheets, body composition trackers, contracts, etc.)
System #3: Client management
As important as attaining new clients is maintaining relationships with your current and loyal clients. Create checklists and systems for your current clients such as:
- Follow-up: updated information forms, new goals, regular body composition analysis, asking for referrals
- Client appreciation including birthdays, anniversaries, gratitude for referrals
System #4: Financial reporting
Often the most overlooked by business owners, keeping a close tab on your business' financials is the lifeblood of continued success and growth. Make your accounting systems and checklists a regular part of your daily or weekly routine:
- Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual revenue and expense reports
- Cash flow analysis and profitability
- Tax planning
- Weekly, monthly, annual goal setting with specific action plans
Just taking the time sit down and to create these systems is often the toughest part, but the time you invest in creating clear, concise systems will give you more freedom to work on your business allowing you to serve your clients more effectively, rather than working in your business day-to-day.