May 27 2010
Using a system that analyzes blood samples with unprecedented detail, a team led by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers has developed the first "chemical snapshot" of the metabolic effects... View More
May 26 2010
Spring has sprung, the sun is out, and sleeves are coming off. This signals a big business opportunity for trainers as there is a large group of women out there suffering from arm angst. Oh sure, we hate... View More
May 26 2010
Let's get real: We all know how to breathe since it's something that occurs automatically, spontaneously and naturally, so it seems silly to think that you can be instructed on how to breathe better, but... View More
May 26 2010
It's easy for us to be work-a-holics as we submit to letting our clients schedules dictate ours. Do you finish each day feeling like there never seems to be enough time to work both on and in our businesses... View More
May 26 2010
So you've done your research and soul-searching and are at a point where you want to proceed to develop a DVD. Now the daunting part: How do you do it? Where do you start? What is the process? Connect... View More
May 25 2010
So there I was, coasting along, 35 years old, traveling the world, carefree, connected fully with my passion, and I had a brilliant idea. I was going to ask Amy, who no longer worked for me, to go away... View More
May 25 2010
Have you ever been called out by a client? I was years ago and my priorities changed in an instant. I had always prided myself on knowing that I was focused on the client and their life, their goals. Their... View More
May 25 2010
Lisa Druxman knows intimately how life's tough decisions often create a perfect solution that remains hidden until moment of choice becomes unbearable. The founder and CEO of Stroller Strides, one of the... View More
TRX 45 Degree Mountian Climber (start)_1
May 25 2010
In the third installment of his TRX Suspension Trainer series, Brian demonstrates the 45 Degree Mountain Climbers exercise, which increases scapular stability and reduces the likelihood of imbalances and... View More
May 25 2010
Walk a little, and your body will thank you. Walk a lot, and it will really thank you. That's the message of a new study that links taking more steps in a day to a lower risk of an extremely common condition... View More
May 25 2010
A four-week yoga program covering breathing, meditation, postures and other techniques helped reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality in cancer survivors who also reported taking less sleep medication... View More
May 24 2010
Dietary factors have long been known to play a major role in the development of obesity. The global increasing prevalence of obesity suggests that there should be some common changes in diet worldwide.... View More
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May 21 2010
Editor's Note: "The Boomers" is asix-part series on how you can make the baby boomer market successful withinyour fitness business. Part three, "Boost Their Strength" takes a look at the different strength-training... View More
May 20 2010
For centuries, ginger root has been used as a folk remedy for a variety of ailments such as colds and upset stomachs. But now, researchers at the University of Georgia have found that daily ginger consumption... View More
May 17 2010
The age-old question of why men store fat in their bellies and women store it in their hips may have finally been answered: Genetically speaking, the fat tissue is almost completely different. "We found... View More
May 14 2010
There'sa lot more to punctuality than just a few wasted minutes; it's amatter of self-esteem, respect and image. You communicate a lot by how youvalue your time and the time of others. Valuing time management... View More
May 13 2010
A new adjustable intragastric balloon appears to help obese patients lose significant amounts of weight and could be more tolerable than traditional intragastric balloons which must be removed after six... View More
May 11 2010
If you thought the best way to lose and maintain weight was the slow and steady approach, think again. A new study by Lisa Nackers and colleagues, from the University of Florida in the US, suggests that... View More
May 11 2010
In the second part of a miniseries using theTRX Suspension Trainer, Brian demonstrates the Frontal Plane Reach,which exercises the gluteal muscle group and teaches safer dynamicplanting/cutting positions... View More
May 11 2010
First off, I'm not a vegan...oreven a vegetarian for that matter. However, I, like most health professionals,recognize the health, spiritual and environmental benefit of reducedconsumption of animal products.... View More