Insufficient shoulder strength and poor scapula-thoracic stability can increase injury risk and decrease performance in overhead athletes. This exercise links the shoulder, torso and hips while focusing on shoulder stability.

Begin lying on the back holding a kettlebell in the right hand in a bottom-up position in 90 degrees of shoulder flexion. Bend the right knee at least 90 degrees keeping the foot flat on the floor. Next, slowly rotate the torso to the left allowing the right leg to cross over the left, while simultaneously pressing the kettlebell up toward the ceiling. Pause 1-2 seconds, and then return to the start position. Perform 2-3 sets of 5-8 repetitions on each side.
Perform the same exercise with the kettlebell resting against the back of the wrist (bottom down position)
This exercise will improve shoulder strength and stability. In addition, it promotes pillar stability and kinetic chain linking between the shoulder torso and hips. Choosing the appropriate kettlebell weight is essential, and it should be enough to challenge dynamic stability without losing form during the movement. If it is difficult to initiate the torso rotation, the off arm can be turned palm down to assist the motion, as the key element or focus is on maintaining the kettlebell hold and pressing it toward the ceiling.
Enhancing scapula-thoracic and glenohumeral stability will help reduce rotator cuff/labral injuries while optimizing performance with overhead lifts and sporting activities. This exercise can be programmed into a warm-up or used as part of a corrective exercise/rehab routine.