I am a success junkie. I love making vision boards, setting goals, hitting achievements, earning income and growing as a leader. I am also a life junkie. I love unplugging, relaxing, traveling and simply enjoying the moment. Two habits that have helped me commit to both are creating a morning routing and keeping a daily journal.
1. Create a morning routine — There is never a perfect time in life to get your mornings in order. Your morning routine will change as your life changes, but do not try to wing life without one. There will always be some level of chaos and things out of your control. However, when we create morning routines, we tend to prioritize habits that matter to us, and make life work around them. My current routine is self-care before any scrolling, computer work or zooms. I start with a guided stretch followed by a 30-minute strength workout at home. I follow up with a superfood shake and a chapter from a personal development book. This is like clockwork. I refill my water bottle, review my schedule, adjust my to-do list and get on with my day. In total, it’s an hour and I rarely miss it.
2. Keep a daily planner — Track the lessons you learn in your reading, capture your thoughts and ideas on paper. Be organized about your calendar and your daily to-do list. A scattered system is the sign of a scattered life. Find a system that you’ll stick with. I keep a spiral bound daily journal for my ideas and my to-do list. I track all of my appointments, meetings and calls in my Apple iCal. I color code the activities according to my “roles in life.” It’s a very easy way to visually look at my week and see what I’m missing, or if I’ve lost all sense of balance.
Success is not always about doing big things. It’s about doing the small things better.
Trina Gray is a leading entrepreneur in the fitness industry with 20 years of experience. She owns Bay Athletic Club, a medically based health club in Michigan. She founded a top on-line coaching team with BODi (formerly Beachbody), called Team Rockstar Fit. She mentors fit pros to expand their income, reach more people outside of sessions and classes. Connect with her at trina@bayathleticclub.com or IG @trinagray