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Jan. 18 2024
Delivering performance feedback to employees is something that few business owners or managers enjoy doing, nor are very skilled at. Being able to give effective feedback is one of the most impactful skills... View More
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July 18 2023
When you think about managing performance of your team members, I am sure, like myself, you tend to think of two areas: revenue and experience. We must have revenue to create the best experience, yet... View More
May 26 2023
At the start of each year, fitness professionals are off to the races with new dreams, goals and plans for growing their business... View More
May 3 2023
I am a success junkie. I love making vision boards, setting goals, hitting achievements, earning income and growing as a leader... View More
May 17 2022
Better management of your day begins with the 4 Disciplines of Execution... View More
Jan. 18 2022
It takes more than passion for fitness to be successful. It takes an understanding of operating a business... View More
Dec. 2 2020
If you read Part 1 of this article, then we already established that learning to harness the power of a millennial workforce is mandatory for teams looking to grow. We also introduced the first key to
Nov. 16 2020
For many fitness business owners, the thoughts that keep them up at night are often about their people:Did I hire the right person?Can I trust her with my clients? With my business?Am I paying him too
June 24 2020
It’s time to stop blaming millennials for their “work ethic” and “sense of entitlement” and start taking responsibility as business leaders for maximizing their potential
Nov-Dec 19 Williams
Nov. 15 2019
If you are a small business owner, then you know how hard it can to be find awesome employees... View More
April 3 2019
Strong communication is the most vital skill a manager can practice in the success of your fitness organization... View More
Dec. 3 2018
5 factors to consider if your team is failing to make sales... View More
Dec. 3 2018
Taking the time to review your personnel I-9 forms can save you in the future... View More
Dec. 1 2018
Hiring a new team member is bound to be a decision that creates angst and frustration... View More
Oct. 3 2018
While integrating a staff rewards and recognition program does take effort, it need not be overly complex or time-consuming... View More
Oct. 3 2018
Here are 4 keys to keeping great coaches with you long term... View More
July 3 2018
Employee incentives and regular recognition are a must for today's Millennial workforce... View More
July 25 2017
In creating or managing a fitness team, there are opportunities and potentially serious obstacles that can present themselves... View More
July 15 2017
If you want to grow a successful fitness business, you must establish yourself as a leader... View More
Jan. 1 2017
Elevate standards for yourself and your staff... View More