If you want to reach more people, make more sales and have more impact, focus on the direction you are taking them in life, not on the details of your offer. When you create something of value that solves a problem for people, squeeze the lemon out of it, meaning share it more often and in more ways.

I’ll expand further, and offer lots of examples, in my training video below. Consider it a chance to sit down each quarter with a business mentor, over a cup of coffee, and have someone pour into you. I hope you tune in and enjoy it.
I’m a journalist by trade, a long-time health club owner and a fitness leader. Each quarter, I’ll share two business tips, one personal growth tip, and one book (or audio) recommendation. I want you to find tangible steps or shifts you can make in your own fitness business – as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, studio owner or any wellness practitioner.
Business Tip #1
Direction over details
“Can you see yourself looking, feeling and moving better by the holidays? I can help you ease into a fall routine that works for your busy life.” That is simple language that shows a prospective client where you can go together. Paint the picture of their better future. Lead with where you’re taking them, talk about the destination and how it will feel to not dread their next annual exam, to take off unwanted weight, and to wake up with less pain, etc. People want to know the direction first. The details of the offer and package come next, after you have captured their emotion and their interest. When you are at the closing of the sale, provide a deadline and a bonus to help them commit.
Business Tip #2
Squeeze the lemon
What are you good at? What are you known for? Is it workouts for busy professionals, training athletes mentally and physically, helping retirees live an active next chapter or guiding women through menopause? Are you known for your positive community, simple nutrition tips, ability to deliver fat loss? Know what you are good at, deliver it more often and in more ways. Before you add on more services and distractions, squeeze the lemon out of what you deliver. Can it be done in a large group, small group, one-on-one, virtually or recorded to a website, or private Facebook group? Can you create a camp and repeat it every season with a new twist? Add a theme, a book, or a reward to it. Keep the core offer in place and squeeze it dry.
Personal Growth Tip #3
You can’t outwork a bad mindset
What holds people back from achieving their greatest potential in their business is often the thoughts they have about their business. If you routinely think: “I’m overwhelmed, behind and no one can do this task as well as I can…” then your business will reflect that negativity. Flip it to telling yourself that even when business is hard, you are highly capable. Tell yourself that you’re right on time to take on the next challenge. Simple shifts in how you talk about your business, makes all the difference.

Recommended Read:
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
Growth Day app by Brendon Burchard (contact Trina to purchase for your business)
Trina Gray is an award-winning entrepreneur in the fitness industry. She owns Bay Athletic Club, a medically-based health club in Michigan and founded a top coaching team with BODi. She was the IDEA Fitness Leader of the Year. She helps fit pros expand their income and impact. Connect with her at www.TrinaGray.com or IG @trinagray or trina@bayathleticclub.com.