The third edition of Strength Training Past 50 by Wayne Westcott and Thomas Baechle has recently been released by Human Kinetics. Research focused on all facets of fitness for those over the age of 50 is quickly growing as is the population. With an acute awareness of the public of the importance of remaining strong and active, Strength Training Past 50 is a fantastic resource. While the book is a great resource for fitness professionals, it is also written directly for the consumer, offering reader-friendly information on fitness basics as well as more sport-specific programming. The book not only offers a comprehensive exercise guide, information on assessments and progressions but also offers the reader practical guidelines from how to choose a personal trainer to how to use equipment safely and effectively. Strength Training Past 50 is a wise addition to your resource library and also to provide as a reference guide for your clients.
Available at www.humankinetics.com
Available at www.humankinetics.com