It is said that the people you want on your side should be hungry, humble and smart. Ryan Carver, founder of Leverage Fitness Solutions in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, is someone we’re pretty lucky to have on our side. Ryan represents the essence of everything our industry should strive to be. He is hungry to serve and selflessly help others. He is humble – arguably to a fault. And he is as smart and driven as they come. It’s often not the most well-known individuals who have the greatest impact, who raise the bar, or who inspire us want to be better; there is no better example of this than Ryan Carver. Here is how he’s raising the bar in the industry…
Business: Leverage Fitness Solutions
Website: www.leveragefitness.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeverageFitness/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Leverage_Fitness_Solutions
Twitter: @LeverageFS
Year started in business: 2005 started personal training, 2017 opened Leverage Fitness Solutions
Education & Qualifications
·BS Fitness Leadership, University of Utah
·FAS (Functional Aging Institute)
What inspired you to start your business?
I’ve always thought of myself as a business owner, even as an independent contractor. I would say the biggest factor that inspired me to take the plunge into owning my own facility was born out of the desire to serve and impact more people and the community as a whole. To be perfectly honest, the very thought terrified me. However, the longer I put it off, the stronger the desire began to burn to live up to my dream and truly change lives, my own, my clients, my community.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
I’ve learned, and keep re-learning, that you can’t know it all, and you can’t do it all. You’re only as great as the people with whom you surround yourself. While I strive to keep learning, I can’t possibly know everything about every little detail about business, training, economics, finances, etc. You’ve got to accept that there are others smarter than you. Get to know them or hire them. Then, you’ve got to accept and call on that expertise frequently.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other trainers, what would they likely say?
My clients choose me over other options because of my smile and genuine concern for their well-being and providing them the ‘why’ behind what we do. They are very quick -maybe too quick - to point out that this is in spite of my bad jokes and not because of them.
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry.
I believe we all raise the bar by emulating the best, collaborating - not competing - with other fitness professionals, and holding yourself and each other to sometimes ridiculously high standards. I am striving to live this day in and day out. The more people who join in this concept, the higher the bar will become, and you’ll be lifted to heights you never thought possible.