Sept. 20 2006
Physical therapists, physicians, personal trainers and chiropractors have similar business goals: improve the health of their patients, help... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Are you a personal trainer, a chiropractor or a medical center looking to expand to a top-flight personal training and fitness center? Do you want a system and center that offers everything, sets you apart... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Wellness Centers come in all shapes and sizes and offer services to all sorts of people. The Wellness Center at City Hospital in Martinsburg, West Virginia is a hospital-based facility which offers members... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Wellness centers come in many forms and are started by many kinds of professionals. There is not one particular way to create or run a wellness center. It depends on who you are, who your clients are and... View More
Sept. 20 2006
According to Dr. Thomas Stanley, there are approximately three and a half million millionaires in the United States and two thirds... View More
Sept. 20 2006
You can't always do things alone! Sometimes it takes a team of experts to affect positive, dynamic change! As personal fitness medical professionals, we want the best for our clients, and reduce their... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Whatever driving force is making you want to open a wellness facility and capitalize on this economic revolution needs to be validated with thorough evaluation of the market you plan to service. Demographics... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Let people talk long enough and they're sure to tell you of a time they were misunderstood or wronged, and the words, "I got screwed" are almost sure to emerge. At times, we listen to the stories and we... View More
Sept. 20 2006
When you have a facility dedicated to developing high performance athletes, adding wellness to the formula is a natural. The owners of Rapid Performance (RP) in Woodstock, Georgia, Mike Berenger, Bobby... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Designing and developing a wellness center whether it is an extension of a training studio or spa or as a fitness component of a medical practice... View More
Sept. 20 2006
We, as a fitness industry, have all read about corporate wellness. We have learned the statistics. And now, we recognize not only the value of a fitness program in terms of employee productivity and camaraderie,... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Post-rehab or aftercare programs are becoming a standard component of the rehabilitation process for patients with neurological, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders. The changes in medical reimbursement... View More
Sept. 20 2006
What is wellness? Wellness is a state of feeling well in body, mind and spirit, together with a sense of reserve power. It is based on normal functioning of the tissues and organs of the body, a practical... View More
Sept. 20 2006
As the cost of building leases, supplies and equipment are continuing to skyrocket, medical practitioners and professionals are eager to find new revenue opportunities that can begin to soak up these financial... View More
Sept. 20 2006
The increasing popularity of an integrated wellness center, which has a multiple focus on the physical, mental and medical health, has placed ancillary services, such as Pilatesand yoga, to the forefront... View More
Sept. 20 2006
New and innovative ideas are happening around us all the time especially in the health and fitness industry. However, having an idea and actually going through with it are two very different things. For... View More
Sept. 20 2006
In my last article, "Buyer's Guide for Health Care Businesses," I discussed the necessary tools needed to run a fitness business. However, once... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Now that you have designed your wellness center, selected the equipment and attracted your client base, the key in keeping the doors open lies in your existing... View More
Sept. 20 2006
Remember when you learned your ABCs? You recited the alphabet over and over you may have even sung the alphabet song while your teacher pointed to each letter on a chart. After mastering the 27 letters,... View More
Sept. 20 2006
So, you are interested in opening up a wellness facility? You have a site selected, and you ran all the demographic studies possible to compile... View More