June 1 2013
Weakness in the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius is often cited in contributing to patellofemoral pain, IT band problems, hip pathology and even back pain. Furthermore, activating the glutes and minimizing... View More
June 1 2013
The most challenging task with launching a new business, program or service often times is generating enough buzz to get your clients, potential or current, so excited about what you have to offer that... View More
book review
June 1 2013
One could argue that what separates the good from the great in our industry, aside from superior knowledge of the science of exercise and the human body, is the ability to effectively connect with people... View More
June 1 2013
You are a fitness entrepreneur. Maybe you have been running your own company for a few years now. It has been filled with lucrative periods, as well as fiscally deficient ones. You understand the current... View More
May 31 2013
It is a commonly held perception that getting in shape and staying there requires hard work and hours upon hours of training. New research shows the opposite - it seems that only four minutes of vigorous... View More
May 30 2013
As trainers we're still people and as people we have certain behaviors that are consistent no matter what. First we live in an instant gratification world. Our clients are looking for a near instant solution... View More
May 30 2013
Kaia F.I.T. has selected Pronto as its exclusive partner for Internet Presence Management and will provide the same services to their expanding Kaia Franchise businesses around the country. Co-Owners,... View More
May 29 2013
An integrated system of stroke care delivery in Ontario, Canada, has resulted in fewer deaths from stroke and fewer discharges to long-term care facilities because of better access to optimal stroke care,... View More
May 28 2013
For children's overall academic and physical development and success, their schools should play a major role in making sure they all have opportunities to take part in vigorous or moderate-intensity physical... View More
May 27 2013
Widely-used fish oil supplements modestly increase amounts of a hormone that is associated with lower risk of diabetes and heart disease, according to a study accepted for publication in The Endocrine... View More
May 24 2013
Most elite athletes consider doping substances "are effective" in improving performance, while recognising that they constitute cheating, can endanger health and entail the obvious risk of sanction. At... View More
May 23 2013
There is a link between use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and reduced mental health later in life. This is the main conclusion of a new study on elite male strength athletes that researchers from the... View More
May 22 2013
Cardiologist questions whether current guideline daily amounts are fit for purpose Dietary advice on added sugar is damaging our health, warns a cardiologist on today. Dr Aseem Malhotra believes... View More
May 21 2013
Boys who are diagnosed with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are twice as likely to become obese in adulthood than those who did not have the condition when they were young, a new long-term... View More
May 20 2013
College students eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise more on days when they communicate more with their parents, according to researchers at Penn State. "Only a third of college students consumes... View More
May 19 2013
According to a new study presented at the "28th Annual Scientific Meeting", yoga can help lower a person's blood pressure. Desirable or normal blood pressure is generally considered to be below 120/80... View More
May 18 2013
Statins, the most widely prescribed drugs worldwide, are often suggested to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease in individuals with obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which is a combination... View More
May 17 2013
In young people, blood vessels appear to be able to compensate for the effects of obesity. But after middle age, this adaptability is lost, and arteries become progressively stiffer as body fat rises -... View More
May 15 2013
The rise in obesity in England if unchecked could lead to an estimated increase in dementia prevalence in over 65 year olds by 2050 from 5% to 7% (4,894 cases per 100,000 in 2010 to 6,662 cases per 100,000),... View More
May 14 2013
Let's be honest with each other, personal training is a hard industry. It's easy to get in and become a personal trainer, but harder to be great. So have you ever thought about what it takes to be great... View More