Dec. 29 2008
This book is a woman's guide to turning back the clock by boosting their metabolism. The authors are solid researchers and practitioners in the fields of strength training and medical exercise program... View More
Dec. 29 2008
A trainer I�ll call �Wilma� applied to be a part of my training team at my health club, Fitness 21. She was fit, athletic and articulate,... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Since there are more than 77 million tennis enthusiasts in the US, according to Sports Illustrated, and tennis is the number one female sport in the US, there is a good chance you have a client who plays... View More
Dec. 29 2008
This is a practically written book that addresses and provides solutions to the difficult-to-avoid issues that fitness professionals face in their daily challenges when trying to get results, be productive,... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Nearly 80 million US adults have cardiovascular disease (CVD), resulting in a 314 billion dollar price tag. So it is no wonder that those in the fitness industry are on a constant mission to improve those... View More
Dec. 29 2008
As personal trainers, we�re very used to the one-on-one relationship, but the minute we hang a sign outside our own training studio or gym, things change. Trying to go it alone... View More
Dec. 29 2008
This book is the bible for anyone wanting to not only survive but soar in the health club business. We all know retention is a major key to our success, yet many of us have dismal retention rates.... View More
Dec. 29 2008
If I told you stretching was good for you, I would certainly be stretching the truth. There are many accepted ways of facilitating muscle lengthening,... View More
Dec. 29 2008
As a personal trainer and business owner, I am always looking for new ways to build my business and capitalize on my knowledge, experience and passion for health and fitness. I have discovered a specialized... View More
Dec. 29 2008
This book is targeted to men and is based on hundreds of interviews with coaches, trainers and body builders. The workouts consist of three 30-minute workouts a week, and the diet is based on glycogen... View More
Dec. 29 2008
There has been a lot of skepticism around magnetism over the last decade. Many of you have probably heard many claims, and maybe some of these you couldn�t even explain, except by... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Athletes at all levels of competition continue to search intently for nutritional strategies, which may confer athletic performance and recovery benefits. We are operating in an era of unprecedented... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Through both my articles and seminar series, I discuss the �Art of Coaching� quite frequently. The Art of Coaching infers that it is not what you know as a coach... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Jimi delivers to trainers the basic principles for success based on his experience as a professional wrestler and personal trainer. Some of the topics covered include: believing what you say, doing what... View More
Dec. 29 2008
Competition is a good thing. No, there is no typo in this statement. I did not forget the �not.� I firmly believe that competition in business is a good thing... View More
Dec. 29 2008
As millions of Americans cut down on carbohydrates and sugar, the sales of artificial sweeteners have been booming! Some people worry about artificial sweeteners � possibly because... View More
Dec. 29 2008
The Facts Currently, in the US, there are 58 million overweight, 40 million obese and three million morbidly obese adults, according to... View More
Dec. 29 2008
I have had the privilege of hearing JJ speak, and she is by far the authority in the area of weight loss resistance and being proactive about your health. In her latest program, which includes a book and... View More
Dec. 29 2008
In our hurry to solve problems, we forget that the key to solving them lies at the root. This is my major lament with the poorly named youth �obesity� problem.... View More
Dec. 29 2008
There are three distinct areas of exercise as it relates to health care � and reimbursement. Most trainers and fitness professionals are aware of cardiac rehab, which actually began... View More