The year is quickly coming to an end. It’s a time when most of us are wrapping-up year-end tasks and tying-up loose ends. Then we shift focus to the year ahead; setting goals and renewing optimism for unlimited potential and possibility.
But before the clock strikes midnight on January 1, you might consider making a few key phone calls to people who have the potential to impact your success over the next year.
Here are ten phone calls to consider making before year’s end:
1. Your accountant
Perhaps one of the most important calls you can make. Ask him/her to give you input and suggestions on your business’s performance in the past year. Where you may have overspent or opportunities for stronger financials. Also ask about possible implications of state and federal taxes as they apply to you, especially as tax policies change.
2. Your liability insurance company/broker
Don’t wait until your policy renewal is due to review your business and any changes that may have occurred to ensure your coverage is adequate and updated.
3. Your banker
Call your banker to discuss possible options for better banking options that fit your needs, especially as your business evolves. And if you don’t have a banker, find one. A good banker can be critical, especially if/when you seek business funding.
4. Your attorney
Even if you may not have any specific legal needs, just a quick point of contact keeps you front of mind. Often legal matters that arise need immediate attention, and a personal relationship with your attorney can only help you when you need it most.
5. Your best client(s)
While a general “thank you” at the end of the year to all clients may be sufficient – you likely have a handful of key clients that are the lifeblood of your business. They could be your big spenders or even just those that bring a positive energy to your business. Give them a call to let them know how much you appreciate them. You may even solicit their suggestions and feedback on what you can do to better serve your clients in the coming year.
6. A client you lost in the last year
This one may be the most difficult. But it’s often those who have no skin in the game that can offer the most valuable feedback. Ask them what you can do better in your business; it may not be what you want to hear, but often, it’s exactly what you need to hear.
7. Your mentor(s) or coach(es)
A short “thank you” call to your mentors or coaches will go a long way in relationship-building but also ignite the motivation you need going into the new year.
8. A “think-up” contact
Is there a person or company that you’ve been wanting to connect with, but keep putting off? Maybe it’s another business you think you could collaborate with. Or reaching out to a local business owner to ask if you can offer a lunch and learn to their employees. Maybe it’s someone in the industry whom you respect and want to make a connection. Your net worth is closely tied to your network; relationship-building is key to your success.
9. Your staff
Most employees value appreciation equally - if not more - than compensation. The end of the year is a perfect time to connect with your staff and set a positive tone for the new year.
10. Someone you’re grateful for
Whether it’s a business partner, a colleague, mentor or even your mom, a call of gratitude is always worthwhile.
Carve out a few hours between the holiday craziness and your year-end busyness and make these important phone calls. While they may not be conversations that directly drive revenue, your time invested will surely will be paid back multifold.