Ralph Roberts, our July 2017 Trainer of the Month award winner, has taken the same passion for sport to his calling as a fitness professional. From professional baseball athlete to now changing lives as the Director of Personal Training at the Downtown Athletic Club in Amarillo, Texas, Ralph’s commitment to greatness is palpable. Here is how Ralph is raising the bar for his clients, for the professionals he leads, and for the industry…
Business Name/Position: Ralph Roberts Training; Director of Personal Training at the Downtown Athletic Club, Amarillo, Texas
Website: www.ralphrobertspersonaltrainer.com
Certifications/qualifications: ISSA-CFT
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ralphcpt/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralph-roberts-83a33572/
Twitter: @RalphRobertsCPT
Year started in industry: 2014
Recognition & Achievements:
· Men’s Health Next Top Trainer, 12th place, 2015
· Todd Durkin Platinum Mastermind member
· Hosts fitness show on local news station, “Workout Wednesday”
· Best-selling author of 10 Stories of Strong Living
What inspired you to start your business?
As a former 10-year professional athlete, I fell in love with fitness and I was challenged to become a nationally certified trainer. After a few months in the trenches I realized that I wanted to be more than a trainer, I wanted to help people not only reach their fitness goals but to live a fit lifestyle. I used my platform to inspire and try to change the world by sharing my vision and creating exceptional experiences with everything I do.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
The lesson I have learned is to make sure I pay attention to detail. In business, we can get overwhelmed by wanting to be successful, but if you are not organized and prepared to walk-the-walk, you will not be successful. Surround yourself around people who make you better and be authentic because if you are doing it for the right reasons you will succeed.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other places/gyms/trainers, what would they likely say?
My clients choose me because I train from the inside-out. Anyone can get someone bigger biceps or triceps but I help people live a life worth telling a story about. That is my definition of a fit lifestyle. Not only do I challenge them, but I make sure every client gets the results they expect. I love to challenge myself and my athletes everyday by giving them the best session of their life each time I meet with them.
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry?
I am raising the bar in the industry because I am sharing my vision to change the world. In my eyes, I want everyone to overachieve for the life that they want. I have the passion and the purpose to be a top fitness professional and sharing my dream and creating impact in everything that I do. Raising the bar to me is someone who walks-the-walk, someone that is consistent, and someone who pays attention to detail to not just be good, but to be great.