Andrew Simpson, founder of Player’s Fitness and Performance in Frederick, Maryland is committed to keeping the fun, sense of community and positivity to enhance performance in sport and life. Here is how Andrew is raising the bar for his clients and in the industry…
Business Name: Player's Fitness and Performance
Website: www.playersfitnessandperformance.com
Certifications/qualifications: Youth Fitness Specialist, Mindset Performance Specialist
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andrewsimpson04
Twitter: www.twitter.com/andrewsimpson0
Instagram: @CoachAndrewPFP
Year started in business: 2014
What inspired you to start your business?
A deep passion for athletics, fitness, and youth mentoring. My purpose in life is to inspire and coach young men and women to reach their full potential in life. We teach them to become better leaders, live more purposefully, and become their best self.
What is one hard lesson you’ve learned in business you believe has been most valuable?
Figure out who it is exactly that you can best serve and have a passion for serving FIRST. The broader your niche, the less clients you will have, which means less revenue and less impact. It took me two years to learn that a tighter niche equals a stronger, more enjoyable, more profitable, more impactful business. Understanding your target market, your “avatar,” and learning how to communicate to them appropriately and solve their very specific problems, is where you should START if you open a business.
If I asked one of your clients why they choose you over other places/gyms/trainers, what would they likely say?
The people and the “atmosphere.” And since it is the people who create the atmosphere, the answer is the people, hands down. The friendly, selfless, inquisitive, caring people. Our front desk staff all the way to our coaches. People have relationships with people, not businesses.
Name one or two ways you are trying to raise the bar in the industry?
By challenging the status quo on what youth development really is. We are addressing the biggest issue. One I believe is bigger than youth obesity. It is the Confidence and Self-Belief Epidemic. Our mission is to empower our youth to become more confident, more sure of themselves, believe in their abilities, and to be uncommon young men and women. We are taking mindset training and life lesson teaching to a level for youth that no one even knows exists.