It's hard not to feel like the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland these days in the fitness industry:
- perpetually anxious about new competition opening up around the corner
- stressed trying to keep up with client demands
- hard pressed with 'busy work' that we don't have time to stop and engage in conversation
- compulsively grabbing for our phone to check social media for likes, shares and follows
- fretting over building the 'perfect' gym
The White Rabbit said to Alice:
I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late!
In other words:
- I'm missing out.
- I need to catch up.
- Am I moving faster than them?
- Am I offering every service / class they are?
- Did I get 5 new LIKES on my Facebook post?
- How do I get 10 new clients?
It's tempting to always look outwards for your unique competitive approach. But all this fretting can be as much of a distraction as always consuming content, working 24/7, and crazy busy-itis that's afflicting our industry.
We've bought into the idea that if we never slow down, the truth of the businesses we are actually building won't catch up with us.
When we focus on everything outside, we're not focused on anything of importance. We end up chasing distractions with our valuable time and energy, never able to 'catch up.'
Where should you put your focus?
Self-awareness is defined as conscious knowledge of oneself; the catalyst to reinventing oneself, learning to make wiser decisions, and helps tune into thoughts and feelings.
In order to succeed in today's 144 character, 5-second attention span world, knowing how you show up, what motivates you and drives your decision making truly resonates with the community you serve. It's what makes your training unique. It's something no other business can copy.
Maya Angelou said, "When you know better, you do better." It's the same principle we teach our clients once they've fallen off the wagon. Once you've learned your lesson, you're set up to succeed next time around you face the same situation.
The first step in Alcoholics Anonymous: become conscious of fears, thoughts, behaviors, mustering the courage to own them, and use that awareness to change ones behavioral.
If we don't step back to understand, we run the risk of settling, becoming too comfortable doing the wrong things.
Developing self awareness is difficult because it isn't culturally 'cool' pursuit. It's scary to humbly admit a shortcoming instead of fabricating a tale to lessen the blow.
Self-improvement is not about finishing a certification or seminar. Self-awareness is a practice, a muscle that grows with time and effort that ultimately provides a unique competitive advantage.
- perpetually anxious about new competition opening up around the corner
- stressed trying to keep up with client demands
- hard pressed with 'busy work' that we don't have time to stop and engage in conversation
- compulsively grabbing for our phone to check social media for likes, shares and follows
- fretting over building the 'perfect' gym
The White Rabbit said to Alice:
I'm late! I'm late for a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late!
In other words:
- I'm missing out.
- I need to catch up.
- Am I moving faster than them?
- Am I offering every service / class they are?
- Did I get 5 new LIKES on my Facebook post?
- How do I get 10 new clients?
It's tempting to always look outwards for your unique competitive approach. But all this fretting can be as much of a distraction as always consuming content, working 24/7, and crazy busy-itis that's afflicting our industry.
We've bought into the idea that if we never slow down, the truth of the businesses we are actually building won't catch up with us.
When we focus on everything outside, we're not focused on anything of importance. We end up chasing distractions with our valuable time and energy, never able to 'catch up.'
Where should you put your focus?
Self-awareness is defined as conscious knowledge of oneself; the catalyst to reinventing oneself, learning to make wiser decisions, and helps tune into thoughts and feelings.
In order to succeed in today's 144 character, 5-second attention span world, knowing how you show up, what motivates you and drives your decision making truly resonates with the community you serve. It's what makes your training unique. It's something no other business can copy.
Maya Angelou said, "When you know better, you do better." It's the same principle we teach our clients once they've fallen off the wagon. Once you've learned your lesson, you're set up to succeed next time around you face the same situation.
The first step in Alcoholics Anonymous: become conscious of fears, thoughts, behaviors, mustering the courage to own them, and use that awareness to change ones behavioral.
If we don't step back to understand, we run the risk of settling, becoming too comfortable doing the wrong things.
Developing self awareness is difficult because it isn't culturally 'cool' pursuit. It's scary to humbly admit a shortcoming instead of fabricating a tale to lessen the blow.
Self-improvement is not about finishing a certification or seminar. Self-awareness is a practice, a muscle that grows with time and effort that ultimately provides a unique competitive advantage.