Have you ever noticed during the times in your life when your personal workouts are stale, you're semi-burnt out, and you wade through your training sessions in rote fashion, that your clients aren't that jazzed up about fitness? However, when you're on fire, in love with your own workouts, training for a goal yourself, and throwing new exercises or techniques you've researched into your training sessions, your clients want to step up their own routines and be involved in everything you do?
I know it seems like a big "duh," but it's interesting how often we forget that enthusiasm is contagious. When we're fired up about something, so are our clients. I recently decided I wanted to do a half marathon... in Las Vegas, just to make it fun. I decided to put together a group training program for others who also wanted to train for the half. Because I was jazzed up about it, so was everybody else. Almost all of my clients signed up for that group, on top of their training schedule. And they were thanking me for giving them another fitness opportunity. All because of something I was enthusiastic about...
I know it seems like a big "duh," but it's interesting how often we forget that enthusiasm is contagious. When we're fired up about something, so are our clients. I recently decided I wanted to do a half marathon... in Las Vegas, just to make it fun. I decided to put together a group training program for others who also wanted to train for the half. Because I was jazzed up about it, so was everybody else. Almost all of my clients signed up for that group, on top of their training schedule. And they were thanking me for giving them another fitness opportunity. All because of something I was enthusiastic about...