French journalist and anatomical illustrator Frédéric Delavier has
changed the way millions of people view strength exercises with Strength
Training Anatomy
Kinetics, March 2010), and now, in a new third edition, he adds stretches for
each of the major muscle groups.

"These stretching exercises are primarily for aiding
function and for avoiding injury, not for acquiring exceptional
flexibility," explains Delavier. "I have also added new
muscle-development exercises and have supplemented the old exercises with new
drawings and annotations." Twelve new strength exercises comprise some of
the 48 additional pages in the new edition.

this edition injuries are discussed, such as the problems of acromioclavicular
joint separation and neuralgia from bad positioning of the neck," he
continues. "But above all, what is unique about this new edition is the
treatment of adaptation according to various morphologies, which have never
been discussed in other bodybuilding texts. This edition features innovations
in the practice of weight training and powerlifting with the aid of diagrams.
The premise is that the exerciser is not the one who should adapt to the
exercise; rather, the exercise needs to be adapted to the exerciser."

With more
than 600 illustrations, Strength
Training Anatomy, 3E
widely considered the most compelling artwork ever applied to a strength
training resource. While the illustrations showcase muscles, they also
delineate how the muscles react with surrounding joints, bones and connective
tissues. The book features 127 exercises for arms, shoulders, chest,
back, legs, buttocks and abdominals.

from athletic trainers and professional bodybuilders to casual athletes have
found Delavier's precise depictions helpful in understanding the muscles worked
in particular exercises. "This book helps make you more aware of your
muscles so you have another way of visualizing correct form in an
exercise," summarizes one reviewer.

signature illustration style allows readers to see the exercises from the
inside out. "My drawing is built from the interior; this is what makes it
realistic," explains Delavier, who studied morphology and dissection
extensively. "There is nothing better than drawing, by means of a pencil
with help from computers, to explain a complicated thing simply."

author hopes his drawings help readers better understand and care for their
bodies. "I would simply wish that people would be a little more conscious
of their body and the way in which it functions, which can help them in many
fields, because we live with our bodies all our life, and as elders say, 'Know
yourself.' It is the beginning of wisdom."

For more information on
Strength Training Anatomy, 3E, and other training resources,